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Front door advice for 1970s NC Ranch?

3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago
  1. Hi! I'm looking to replace our front door on our 1970's "colonial style" ranch (whatever that means). The current windows are pretty outdated (12 panes top and bottom)-- door is classic 6 paneled "wood at the moment. I would eventually like to paint my brick white and update things. For now, I would like to add more light to my foyer-- so thinking I'll go with a black 4 or 6 pane glass door?? Is that too "farmhouse" or does this style go with whatever the heck style this house might be?! :)I also have a patio door in my sunroom and I will want that door to complement whatever I do here. Thanks for any advice or suggestions. I did a mock up on the Therma-tru site of what the 4 pane might look like. Too farmhouse? Or just classic enough? Would the 6 pane door look better with the windows (as it would mirror the 3 pane vertical of window)? See current and mock-up below. Thank you for advice!

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