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Moving irises in Mid July in the Midwest

I’m making a new full sun bed. Most of my yard is in shade, but there is ONE strip along the neighbor’s fence that gets full sun. My husband wants to hide the fence and the neighbor’s weedy yard, so here we go!

I have some irises that have not bloomed in years. Not enough sun! Also some new ones I was given, old style white ones, that I planted last September, in the only spot I could find at the time, less than full sun.

It will be cool all this week. Is it okay to move them now? I know they are supposed to be divided in August, but I’m not planning to divide them, just move them. I’m not much of an iris grower, due to my conditions. But if it’s better to wait til the leaves die down (I've never really noticed when that is), I’ll do that.


