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Quotes Jue 14, 2021

2 years ago

Did this on Garden Party for years. Thought to see how it would fly here.

Cesare Pavese Quotes

Italian - Poet September 9, 1908 - August 27, 1950

We do not remember days, we remember moments.

Cesare Pavese

The richness of life lies in memories we have forgotten.

Cesare Pavese

The closing years of life are like the end of a masquerade party, when the masks are dropped.

Cesare Pavese

Life is pain and the enjoyment of love is an anesthetic.

Cesare Pavese

If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness and fears.

Cesare Pavese

A man is never completely alone in this world. At the worst, he has the company of a boy, a youth, and by and by a grown man - the one he used to be.

Cesare Pavese

No woman marries for money; they are all clever enough, before marrying a millionaire, to fall in love with him first.

Cesare Pavese

If it were possible to have a life absolutely free from every feeling of sin, what a terrifying vacuum it would be.

Cesare Pavese

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