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Yellow leaves on roses that are not blackspot (no pictures)

bart bart
2 years ago

This season has been pretty wacky here in Italy. March was hot and dry , April and then May were generally very cool ("cold" by recent standards) and quite wet. Only now are my roses beginning to have their spring flush,whereas in recent years they'd be well into it. Another strange thing is that many of the ones that open later in the season are opening now ; for example, Paul's Himalayan Musk is opening, but Climbing Old Blush is still in flower-very weird.

Quite a few roses have a lot of yellow leaves on them-specifically, most of my established Purple Skyliners have flowers but also many yellow leaves. One of these PS plants that gets shade in the afternoon is nice and green, so I suspect that it is being caused by the sudden shift from cool, grey and rainy to hot and sunny (to be clear, I can remember that the 21st of May was downright chilly and grey, whereas normally by that time it's quite summer-like here). So that doesn't worry me really. What DOES have me a bit worried is the fact that 3 of my new implants (roses planted out last fall) do not look well. Ebb Tide is still very small, and many of it's leaves suddenly turned yellow. Lavender Flower Circus, also quite small, has mostly pale leaves, and though it has produced some fragile new growth, the general effect is that it's growing backwards. These two worry me the most,but Purple Lodge doesn't look great either-it put out plenty of buds, then began to wilt. Since it's been raining so much and the soil is definitely damp, I didn't water it, just de-budded the wiltly part, but yesterday when I finally got back there I saw that the few leaves it has left are all yellow, and 2 of the thinner canes are dying. I can't provide pictures, since I have no camera, but I'd still like to hear if anyone has thoughts on what could cause this: just the weather? too much water? bad drainage? I know that the area where Ebb T and Lavender FC are has very dense, heavy clay, but I thought that I'd amended it thoroughly enough-perhaps not? Should I do something, or just leave them alone ? Thoughts?

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