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Should I buy/sell in this crazy market?

Betty S.
3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

In my area, the housing market is insane. Homes are flying off the market and getting multiple offers with escalations and waiving everything. Some homes are getting multiple offers sight unseen.

While I'm on the buyer end, it's awful. On the selling end, it will be great.

My dilemma is staying in my 1970's home and putting another tranche of money into it to upgrade bathrooms and generally spruce it up with a different paint color scheme and maybe some new area rugs. Say, $30K.

Or, do I move into a newer home with larger rooms and the amenities I want and will never have in my current home. Like say for example, getting a 2-3 car garage instead of a 1-car garage. Or, getting a flatter, more useable backyard for my dogs. Things are are immutable where I currently live.

I would be getting a bigger mortgage with a bigger, newer and upgraded home and that's OK. But I feel apprehensive that I'll wind up jacking up my bid to more than the market should dictate at this point.

It's just gone from bad to worse over the past couple of months.

I think with covid and low interest rates, people are looking to go bigger and move farther away into the burbs.

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