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New 4 season porch, furniture acq., arrangement, decor.. overwhelmed

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

New porch, 20X20, light, fresh with 3 walls of windows but don't know how to arrange furniture, decorate. Walls & floor neutral. Have an old family table, thinking of painting base white, staining top white. Have some table chairs I could paint but what color? A lot of windows to do so need economical option, want them to roll down from top & up from bottom. Thinking of a rattan area rug with a cadet blue area rug on top. Have an older loveseat & chair for the meantime, slipcover. but don't want to "settle" for old, tired recycled Adjacent areas are white, cream/tan & cadet blue. Confess to being fatigued from the build process (also redid kitchen) but looking forward to celebrating the holidays in this new space. House is cottage style. Inside house wall will probably be tv. Perplexed on how to arrange with viewing nature & tv. I welcome suggestions.

UPDATES: Until I have another table option may add leaves to the 48" round (8-10 inches each). It's cross sawn oak, 100 yo family piece. And yes I'm going to paint it/light stain top,

Yes to nature. Point of porch was to make friends with winter We get lots of birds at feeders, deer, etc. Room is for relaxing, decompressing, restoring, staving off winter blues, enjoying a meal with nature. I want to read/art/music, my guy wants tv (I don't but I won't win that battle). It will have a Tiara II Heat N Glo direct vent gas stove in the corner but it is already very comfortable.

Yes to area rugs.

Chair shape?? We like firm furniture, don't like being sucked into squishy pieces, getting out. If slip cover these will go with NO skirt.

The space out the door will have a deck, then be integrated into green space, plantings of perennials (pinks/whites), trees, bird baths/feeders, open country, sunsets. New fire pit.

Privacy isn't a huge issue but will want to have an option. It's also NORTH exposure/back yard, gets mid to late afternoon sun. Trees and distance to the neighbors.

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