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Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Ogon' hardiness

Hello All!

Been a long time lurker for the conifer forum. I recently got a few Metasequoia glyptostroboides 'Ogon'. They've been planted a few months ago, despite the fact, I attacked these rootballs to try and get rid of any girdling roots/J-roots and they've seem to be doing pretty okay this fall.

Now I am wondering, did I pick the right species to plant out here in southwest Iowa (zone 5a)? Has anyone had any experiences growing these, or the straight species in zone 5 maybe in zone 4?

I have attached a photo of when they just got recently planted and watered in, now there is a 4' diameter of mulch around each tree. I am hoping to keep all the lower branches on and hope for a buttressed trunk, 30+ years down the road!



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