Veggie Tales - September 2020
4 years ago
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Veggie Tales - September 2017
Comments (182)Hello all! Have been traveling and busy at work so not as much time to post. I too am beginning to tire of the tomato madness, but am super grateful for this wonderful first year garden! It has been thrilling to pop out the back kitchen door with a harvest basket and felco pruners and come in with literally pounds of fresh produce day by day. Amazing! And to think I live in California and can do this year round?!? My tomato counts are not exact as I had to travel for 4 weeks during this time and had a house sitter harvesting and not weighing but close enough.....Current totals: 191 pds of tomatoes harvested from 12 plants Paul Robeson top producer at over 30 pds from 1 plant. Dr Wyches Yellow second with over 27 pds from 1 plant. Purple Cherokee third with 20 pds from 1 plant. Great flavor! Amish Paste - close to 18 pds per plant San Marzano - ~12 pds per plant. This one is the last to mature, still a decent amount of fruit not yet ripe. The rest of the plants are almost done, will be pulling them out in ~1 week. Not sure what to do with San Marzano. The flavor is superb but it is lagging in terms of volume produced. Will wait to decide until final harvest totals. In meantime I have started my fall/winter garden. My list of things I plan to try (many for the first time): fennel (love fennel, fingers crossed it pans out!!!) carrots turnips celery lettuces and spinach napa and savoy cabbages broccolini bok choy brussels sprouts swiss chard leeks sugar snap peas The new pressure cooker arrived today - can't wait to try it out... first priority are vegetable and chicken broths....hopefully i do not blow up the house, will let you know how it goes! great to see everyone's updates and garden bounties! love the graph kevin. the garden obsessions demonstrated here crack me up. clearly i have found my people! happy gardening all!...See MoreVeggie Tales - March 2020
Comments (792)I hope I didn't offend anyone with my talk about the drug. It wasn't my intention. My pharmacy suggested we find another pharmacy that had it. They said they didn't know when they'd get it. They said to tell the pharmacy that had it to ship it to them. We started out calling pharmacies in areas up to 75 miles away assuming an area without coronavirus cases might still have it. It wound up the pharmacy closest to mine had it! My pharmacy transferred the script to them and we picked it up today. I started out talking about this drug here because I thought it was very positive knowing there was a possible treatment. My mother had malaria in the 1920's in Louisiana or East Texas. My grandparents bought 40 acres in East Texas. They were there for 3 years and sharecropped cotton to learn how to grow it. My aunt also got it. My mothers story was that she spent the entire summer shivering.They came back to Pittsburgh because of it. It's also said that we won WWII because of this drug. As I see it the problem is that we don't make prescriptions in America anymore. There was a big drug operation here in Pittsburgh, Moon Twp., near the airport. It closed a few years ago, I don't know why it closed or if it could make this drug. Assuming it could, I could drive 1200 doses, 4 pills a day, in about 7 or 8 hours to NY. They are beginning to discuss who gets to live and who gets to die. Some get a respirator; some don't. And now we learn some need this drug more than others. They haven't lowered the price of prescriptions because they decided they'd rather pay 10¢ an hour than pay Americans. We haven't benefited, we'll likely die because of it. edited...See MoreVeggie Tales - May 2020
Comments (528)I guess I need to look for a replacement for Yellow Pear tomatoes. We've been growing them for 25 or 30 years. I always thought they had a taste closer to a beefsteak tomato than the cherry tomatoes of the day. And they were OP and we always saved our seeds for the following year. My neighbors boy who was 5 last year likes those the best of all the tomatoes I grow. He likes to pick them and pop them in his mouth. Yesterday I finished digging up the patch I'm working on, about 6'X7' or so. I planned to put in cucumbers and beans and never got to either. Was exhausted. Now I'm thinking I need to go back to the planning stage on the beans to give them more separation. I have pole snap, wax, haricot verts, and Sieva, and Christmas lima beans. And bush french filet beans to go in where the peas are now. edit to add pole haricot verts. I decided to grow the bush french filet beans where the lettuce is now in the old garden....See MoreVeggie Tales - September 2022
Comments (136)Cindy as I type we got about ~1/4" so far but expecting up to 2" or more depending on where this tricky Ian goes once he hits the Mtns. The spaghetti models still show it backing up around the Va/NC border before heading out to sea so we shall see. I just want 2" over 4 days but beggers can't be choosers ;-) It is getting rather breezy out there, more to come.....RD, very nice crop of tomato plants you have there! I envy you, wish we could grow them here during the winter, we're down to 6 maters on the pantry shelf with 3-4 struggling fall plants with a few good greenies hanging on, they're swinging today, nyuk....See MoreRelated Professionals
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