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Chicago hardy Fig dropping leaves! Help!

3 years ago

In the beginning of summer I impulse bought a Chicago hardy Fig from Lowes, one of those just-a-stick-with-two-leaves-sticking-out-of-a-box deals. I put him in a 6 inch or so terra cotta, and it just grew like crazy! No problems whatsoever. Recently I noticed some yellow mottling on the leaves, but thought that perhaps I was over-watering in my attempt to compensate for the extreme 98+ degree temperatures here (Virginia). I moved the pot the other day and realized that it had roots growing out of the drainage hole, so just repotted into a larger terra cotta, with lots of perlite mixed in for drainage. The leaves are still turning this awful mottled color, and now I'm noticing some ugly black and curled leaf tips. To make things even worse, upon closer inspection there is some sort of tiny white substance, particularly on the underside and on the black edges... what in the world?! Is this powdery mildew? Fig Boy has tons of air circulation and I do try not to let the leaves get wet when I water... Please help! I don't want to treat for the wrong thing and stress him even more!
