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Battle of the Ground Covers: Algerian Ivy vs. Juniper & Cotoneaster!

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

So I'm trying to rein in a neglected backyard. Two exciting battles are going on on a hillside and I'm not sure which plants should stay or go, but the hillside definitely needs a makeover. Right now it's almost a monoculture - about 60% Algerian Ivy and 20% Blue Star Juniper and 20% Cotoneaster. I'm really not in love with any of these plants. Ideally I'd like to gradually transform this hill- it's pretty steep and I'm doing it myself and I have to take care not to disturb the soil too much because I don't want to start a landslide. So - I'd love to hear your opinions. What should stay or go? What would be a good replacement? I'm zone 10A, Sunset 16 in the SF Bay Area. I'm thinking maybe a manzanita or low / spreading ceanothus and some grasses? I'd love to see any photos for inspiration, so

if you want to share some links that would be appreciated. Thanks so much for the help!!

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