How bad is it to turn circuit breaker off and back on?
4 years ago
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- 4 years ago
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circut breaker trips everytime I turn off lights
Comments (24)Same issue here, only my breaker box is 25' from the door of my crawlspace and I got tired of going under there and quit for today. Just left the light on while the switch says off. I am sure I wired the new light the same as the old one was wired. It's the end of a 3 fixture string. There are 2 black, a white, a grey, and a ground. The 2 blacks were with the black on the fixture. The white and grey were with the white of the fixture. The ground to the ground. I mean, that's simple, right? How could I have messed that up? Now the switch is in the off position and the light is on. Turn it off and trip the breaker. Keep the switch at off and reset the breaker and it trips immediately. I plan to undo and redo it tomorrow, but I don't fathom any new result. Any thoughts and/or advice? I am not a professional but I do reviews for Kichler so I've installed and/or replaced more ceiling fixtures than I can count and thus has never happened before. Thanks- Karen...See MoreCircuit breaker - bad outlets- loose ground
Comments (1)I would attempt to fix the specific problem that you're having, and not resort to anything as drastic a replacing the wiring in your house. It sounds as though you have a significant problem with the outlet in question. Grounding wires "unhitched" would not cause the problem that you're describing. I would recommend calling an electrician to resolve your problem. Leave the circuit breaker in the off position in the meantime....See MoreVoltage dropped after turning breaker off then on
Comments (1)It's not clear to me how you installed a code compliant box "just outside the concrete slab." Also, how did that wire get cut? Deliberately or accidentally? And did you measure its voltage after it was cut, or before? All that aside, you are now reading phantom voltage, probably courtesy of a high impedance DMM. If you use a Wiggy type meter or test light, something that presents a more realistic load, you'll read zero voltage. Since you're getting line voltage at the breaker, the feeder is open somewhere between the breaker and your new box. Speculation: assuming you cut the cable accidentally, you would have created a short circuit. Perhaps the cable had already been damaged underground. The brief current surge from the short before the breaker cleared it could easily have burned through a weakened conductor. I've seen this happen with buried UF and USE conductors, from a high current load rather than a short circuit. It's fairly likely that you'll have to trench and lay a new feeder....See MoreSeveral circuit breakers in the OFF position:
Comments (4)Have you tried pushing the offending beakers to "off", then "on" again? If I read your original post, you only turned #21 off, right?...See MoreRelated Professionals
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- 4 years ago
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