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Update on building a house

robo (z6a)
3 years ago
last modified: 3 years ago

....we pulled out! No new house for robo. Our federal housing corp is predicting a gigantic house price crash over the next 24 mos (10-18%) AND my sister also pulled out of building in that neighbourhood so it just didn't feel like the right time. We only had to forfeit a small deposit and my builder was very gracious about the whole thing (we had reserved a prime lot so they had people lined up to build there -- probably less picky and demanding people, ha ha).

My husband and I have been to see a few homes since but no "make me move" homes have popped up yet. There's a nice little midcentury modest ranch across from my parents in a nearby suburb (much closer than the new suburb) but it's priced VERY optimistically and wouldn't leave room for me to do the total gut job I'd want to do on it.

Personal update, things are going well for robo. Our province is opening up slowly but we have no new cases of Covid and very few active after a long severe lockdown. I'm working from home which is challenging with Emmett, but loving the family time. I feel a lot of existential dread and sadness for our world right now so I've been donating and watching a lot of TV...Last Dance anyone?

Emmett is doing really great, although he is starved for outside interaction so he has resorted to flagging down strangers and shouting "hi" at them on our 2xdaily walks. His language is exploding and we're entering the "mommy what's this? and what's this? and what's this?" phase. I did try to get him interested in Michael Jordan but he seems to prefer Mickey Mouse.

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