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Need to make our stairs look presentable, but we have some limitations

4 years ago

We put new flooring in the house and suddenly the contractor-grade carpet on the stairs was looking very ratty - so we pulled it all up, expecting to stain the treads the color of the rail and the risers white. Then we learned we have a plywood landing. I don't think we want to get involved in retreading the landing, so now I believe our choices are to incorporate carpet. I've got a few questions about our options:

1) I've searched and searched but can't find one example of a runner being used in a shared landing situation like ours where the stair case splits off into two directions (maybe i'm not using the right search terms?). Is our best option to fully carpet the landing and then split a runner off in each direction using that same carpet?

2) Am I overlooking some kind of stain that would cover the plywood and not look that bad? My wife has been reading about "gel stain" and says it looks nice. But web pics can be misleading! And even if we did that and kept the runner idea, how would we manage that split in either direction?

3) What options am I overlooking? I don't think we want to use our vinyl floor on the steps. It's expensive, doesn't look that great and cutting around the spindles in the front would be an issue. We COULD fully carpet all the steps but my wife really really wants the white riser/stained tread look.

4) Finally, does anyone see an issue painting the treads the same color as the rails even though it's darker than the floor.

Really appreciate everyone's time and feedback to help us along here!

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