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Bathroom remodel before and after

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago

I'm probably not the first person to say, "I can't believe how long this took", but. . . . anyway after having a defective countertop installed as the last big step, and then a pandemic shut down for 6 weeks, this finally got done. The finishing touch ups - the shower curtain rod! - were not yet done so the bathroom sat for 6 weeks. All is well that ends well, however, countertop has been replaced and the shower curtain is up! Thanks to various suggestions along the way by Houzzers, this site is awesome!

Before - the blue lagoon (even the toilet was blue!) - we were able to give away the vanity light and blue sinks/fixtures in ~5 minutes on CL, very pleased with that :

After - we kept the 8 foot vanity, but nothing else (begone dark hole!!). Just need to get some odds and ends to play off the shower curtain/wood and we'll be done. Life is good :)

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