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I spy with my little STYE (ugh)

4 years ago

As many know, I have been ill with an upper respiratory infection for a number of days. It is improving, thankfully, but over the past few days I have developed a stye at my lower inner eyelid. I hate to be gross, but it's beginning to develop so that I can see a bit of pus inside of it (much like a pimple), and I understand that's normal. I cannot recall ever having had a stye, though, and it's bothering me. I have been applying warm compresses and DH picked up a soothing eye drop (Similisan brand) that is made for stye relief, but the swollen "something's in my eye" feeling is just bothersome. If you have suffered from this particular "affliction", what did you do, if anything, to speed the healing process? Or did you simply have to ride it out? I absolutely know better than to squeeze or otherwise try to pop this thing. (Ewww ... makes me shudder just thinking about it.)

Between this, my breathing issues over nearly two weeks, and the fact that my fingernails are a mess after removing my own dipped manicure last night, I am really starting to feel like I've been beaten up.

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