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How many of us aren't feeling all that great?

4 years ago

I'm not saying I think we have contracted the virus, but DH and I, as well as my parents and a good number of my colleagues, have not been feeling all that great for the past week or more. Granted, it's allergy season here and tree pollen has been sky high, but I don't recall feeling this way for this long of a stretch before. It's not as though any of us are out-and-out SICK, just more of a general slight malaise that comes and goes, along with a sore, slightly raw or scratchy throat, headache, and a heaviness in the chest. Sometimes I just feel like lying around and resting, so I do. Sometimes I feel like going for a run and lifting weights, so I do. This leads me to believe this IS likely allergy-related, perhaps combined with a touch of "something" that's going around that isn't COVID-19. I'm taking OTC meds as warranted, but am very hesitant to seek medical treatment because (a) there are others likely feeling much worse than I who need the appointments available, and (b) I'm very hesitant to go to a place where people who are truly sick may gather. DH's symptoms echo mine, and we are both monitoring for fever, which neither of us have had. My parents are doing the same.

I'm just curious as to how many others who frequent this forum, if any, may be experiencing seasonal symptoms (?) that make you wonder how much exposure you should have to other people.

Comments (85)

  • Bunny
    4 years ago

    I'm keeping with my daily walks outside, rain or shine. Today I didn't pass a single soul.

  • Tina Marie
    4 years ago

    Here in my area of the south, we were warned several weeks ago to be prepared for a brutal spring allergy season. We had a very rainy winter, although mild, and spring hit early. Lots of stuff budding out and/or blooming. It has hit me. I normally don't get much spring allergy symptoms, it's fall (decaying leaves - mold) because the mold is what really hits me. I have not seen counts, but I'm guessing after all this rain and our warmer temps that mold is already active.

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  • User
    Original Author
    4 years ago

    I have been doing bench presses that may be contributing to chest soreness and tightness. It's not "bad" but is not the way I normally feel.

  • gsciencechick
    4 years ago

    I was pretty sick about a month ago. If it were coronavirus, others would have likely become sick. Finally feel like I have recovered from that, but the tree pollen count is already really high here so I am feeling that. Can even see it on the cars already. Bought some Allegra the other day which I usually have to take until sometime end of May.

  • Jilly
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Ida, I could’ve written your post. DH and I both: just this low-level feeling bad ... light coughing, achy, headaches, low fever, fatigue. But very mild so far. Nothing to panic over, just icky. I’m tired of it. As mentioned, I’m known to suffer from allergies, but DH usually never does.

    It’s scary because of the unknowns. We’ve definitely hunkered down this weekend, binging shows, but we were out in public a lot last weekend.

    I hope we all get over “it” quickly and feel better soon. ❤️

    ETA: And how about if you have to be out, and ....

  • l pinkmountain
    4 years ago

    What Jinx said! I went to the store with a bandana around my nose and mouth, and everyone was rolling their eyes and mocking me, as if I thought it was going to protect me from the virus. Ummm NO, it is to stop me from constantly rubbing and touching my nose as it itches and drips. The checkout gal was wiping her nose with her hand every other item, I'm sure she didn't even realize what she was doing and when I explained that I wasn't sick or paranoid about getting sick, just suffering from sinus issues, she said, "Me too."

  • Oakley
    4 years ago

    I think in your area it's probably allergies. Since our pollen is blowing your way, that's my guess.

    This afternoon in the cold wind I cleared some of the flower beds. About 30 minutes after I came inside I started sneezing like crazy for 30 minutes.

    Last week I woke up with a two day virus, fatigue, slight fever, chest congestion, and then I was fine.

    So I'm not the only one who gets a dripping nose (and eyes) when I get groceries? Take a wad of kleenex that only you touched, and use them. If you have disposable gloves put those on at checkout and when you get in your car use hand sanitizer first thing. If you have some. :)

  • lascatx
    4 years ago

    I agree -- the chest and no runny nose sneezing lean more COVID-19 than allergy. Though we are in definite allergy crazy too. I know mine is allergies -- my ears itch, my eyes itch and feel gritty. Some pollens make me run and sneeze -- others fill up my sinuses and make my head heavy and painful. COVID-19 resides in the chest, so you don't get the nasal and sinus symptoms. I was talking with my son about someone I know who had a flulike virus before anyone was testing for COVID-19 short of a hospital admission here. He has a friend who was sick 1-2 months ago -- also flulike. As people learn about the symptoms and scientists are confirming that COVID-19 has been in the US a while, I think more people are suspecting they may have had it. The one benefit to getting tested is being able to let others you have been around know to take precautions and help curb the spread. Dallas was the first area I heard of to get drive through testing -- so you don't have to subject others or be subject to theirs. I think the responsible thing to do would be to at least ask about getting a test. If positive, you might also get care that can prevent you from letting it get worse or help you get immediate treatment if it does.

  • Bunny
    4 years ago

    Dumb question: How do they test you? Saliva? Blood? Pee?

  • 3katz4me
    4 years ago

    Mucous membrane swab - not sure if it’s nose or mouth.

  • just_terrilynn
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I’m so glad my county is starting drive by testing tomorrow!!! If I get sick it will be a relief to know one way or another if I have corona.

    Edited: if my son checks out he can skip his 14 day self quarantine.

  • terezosa / terriks
    4 years ago

    Back in mid January I came down with a weird illness on vacation in Mexico. I started getting sick about two days after I arrived. I probably picked up something at the airport or on the plane.

    I My main symptom was cough and chest congestion. I had almost no upper respiratory symptoms. I was also extremely fatigued for about 36 hours, and had no appetite. I don't think that I had a fever, but didn't have a thermometer to check. Had I known about Coronavirus at the time I would have been very concerned that's what it was. Even after I was mostly feeling better I was still very tired by the afternoon for about a week.

  • LucyStar1
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I've been having chest pains and a slight dry cough for three weeks. I finally got so concerned about the chest pains that I emailed my heart doctor. She had me come in for an EKG. That was normal. Now I have to have a treadmill stress test in two weeks. Yesterday morning I felt like I was coming down with a cold. The dry coughing increased and my nose was running. I took an antihistamine to dry up the eyes and nose. I felt for sure I was coming down with a cold. It's not coming on, though. Was wondering if my chest pains and dry cough are a lung problem and not a heart problem. A couple of times I felt hot and took my temperature. It was normal. I still have the chest pains and dry cough. So I don't know what is going on.

  • DLM2000-GW
    4 years ago

    In addition to whatever cold, allergy, non covid-19 flu type symptoms any of us are experiencing, there's always that added bonus of stress and anxiety and none of us are immune to that. Any little cough, ache or heat sensation and my immediate thought is uh oh. I have awakened in the night feeling hot and with a dull headache several times in the last 7 - 10 days. Of course I have slept hot for 10 years now and never reacted to pollen till we moved here but does my brain tell me no big deal, menopause/allergies, turn over and go back to sleep? Nooooo! I lie awake wondering......

  • User
    Original Author
    4 years ago

    ^^^ Yep. Totally.

  • lascatx
    4 years ago

    True -- but the fact that many folks have lighter cases and mild symptoms is part of what has let this virus spread unchecked here. One expert interviewed a few days ago said he didn't think we had 500 cases but at least 100,000 to 200,000 I and possibly half a million or more people who have already had COVID-19 here. Also reported that folks with confirmed milder cases who didn't even feel sick had lung scans that showed activity in their lungs. I'm guessing this scanning was done in another country that has been more proactive and testing widely. I also just saw a news story about a woman in GA who spent hours on the phone trying to arrange a test and getting bumped from one place to another, still unable to schedule a test.

  • gsciencechick
    4 years ago

    I went out for a walk yesterday and the pollen was really high. And I think I forgot to take an Allegra last night.

  • Eileen
    4 years ago

    On the Kitchen Table forum is a thread called "Video of a couple who have the virus". They were Diamond Princess passengers. The man describes their experience in detail. They took their temps several times a day and often didn't register a fever. When they did have a fever, it was very low. They both had a dry cough they blamed on the air conditioning in the cabin they were confined to. When they were tested positive and taken off the ship, the man became very short of breath. Their vague symptoms indicated they had coronavirus, but since they didn't really feel sick, they convinced themselves that they didn't have the virus.

  • daisychain Zn3b
    4 years ago

    Someone posted this in another thread. I found it helpful.

    ps I have decided to put on my "happy hat", go to work, and embrace all the possibilities that come with remote learning. Even tho I'm exhausted. Wish me luck.

  • bbstx
    4 years ago

    The above chart is nice, but I have to disagree with one point. I always have a sore throat with seasonal allergies. I believe it is due to sinus drainage at this time of year.

  • User
    Original Author
    4 years ago

    Allergy related post-nasal drip absolutely causes sore throat, so the chart is not reliable in that regard.

  • lascatx
    4 years ago

    Ida, another thought occurred to me after talking with a friend and our next door neighbor. The friend is immunocompromised and was recently told she had a "Flu-like" virus with symptoms that sound like they may be consistent with COVID-19. If she could find out whether she actually had it, it would be helpful to know in the future -- this virus will still be around next year even if it fades in activity over summer. Talking to my neighbor who is an ER physician -- the virus is likely to be stronger next fall. It would be good to know if you may have already had it. It could be the difference between having to hunker down and being able to get out and about or help others. If the feeling in your chest is different, consider getting checked. The muscles you use for bench pressing are wrapped around the outside of your chest. If that is where you are feeling something, not an issue. If it is deeper or your lungs feel irritated -- that merits being checked or at least self-quarantining -- especially as the Dallas area is seeing a number of new cases.

  • Eileen
    4 years ago

    In yesterday's press conference, the doctor said that adults don't spike high fevers like children when they're sick, so a temp of 99.8 is considered a fever. The Diamond Princess couple only knew they had a low grade fever because they took their temps every hour. Sometimes they didn't register a fever. They finally alerted the medical staff because of the low fever, not because of the cough. They said they cruise a lot and they always cough from the a/c so they thought nothing of it.

  • amicus
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I have copied and pasted a few paragraphs from the CNN link at the bottom, for those who don't want to bother reading the whole article. Basically, they report that experts are cautioning us, that although most cases of Covid-19 are thought to spread from exposure to people with symptoms, they've now learned that those who show no symptoms at all, can be carrying a higher viral load of Covid-19, making them more likely to spread the virus, than those with active symptoms of the virus, but carrying a lower viral load. So if those of us with no symptoms, assume we don't need to be as worried about social distancing, we now know that's incorrect.

    But it appears that a Massachusetts coronavirus cluster with at least 82 cases was started by people who were not yet showing symptoms, and more than half a dozen studies have shown that people without symptoms are causing substantial amounts of infection.

    "We now know that asymptomatic transmission likely [plays] an important role in spreading this virus," said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota.

    Osterholm added that it's "absolutely clear" that asymptomatic infection "surely can fuel a pandemic like this in a way that's going to make it very difficult to control."

    There are also reports in other countries of significant transmission by people who are asymptomatic or only mildly symptomatic.

    On Tuesday, Dr. Sandra Ciesek, director of the Institute of Medical Virology in Frankfurt, Germany, tested 24 passengers who had just flown in from Israel.

    Seven of the 24 passengers tested positive for coronavirus. Four of those had no symptoms, and Ciesek was surprised to find that the viral load of the specimens from the asymptomatic patients was higher than the viral load of the specimens from the three patients who did have symptoms.

    Viral load is a measure of the concentration of the virus in someone's respiratory secretions. A higher load means that someone is more likely to spread the infection to other people.

  • lascatx
    4 years ago

    I thought.about you, Ida, when I learned that Dallas is reporting increasing number of cases and also when a friend in CA tried to get tested and they wouldn't test her. She'd been at a conference and through airports and traveling with another person, also showing symptoms, but they didn't know of a person confirmed to be COVID-19 positive. You could try to get a test and not be able to. Hope you are feeling better today and not concerned. If you need info or help, I hope you are getting it.

  • User
    Original Author
    4 years ago

    Thank you for thinking of me. I'm still not feeling stellar and my doctor wants to see me tomorrow morning, so I should know a bit more then.

  • User
    Original Author
    4 years ago

    I saw my doctor this morning, and she diagnosed bronchitis and attendant asthma. I got a steroid shot which should help open the airways, and a couple of 'scripts incuding an inhaler (which I haven't used in many years). She carefully assessed my symptoms and did not believe that COVID-19 testing was warranted. She did say that she's seen a fair number of cases (as she always does this time of year) of bronchitis and strep, and noted that coronavirus CAN manifest in the throat, but just cautioned me to continue monitoring my temperature (I've had none), and symptoms, as well as quarantining at home. So I feel I've done what I needed to do for the time being.

    The doctor's office was sparse; there was only one other person in the waiting room during my visit (and nobody there when I left an hour later), and it's clear that they are taking as many phone consultations as possible and spacing out patients so as not to come anywhere close to crowding the waiting room.

  • Tina Marie
    4 years ago

    Glad you went Jenn! Hope you are feeling better soon. As I mentioned earlier, in our area we were warned that spring allergies would be brutal this year, and apparently they are. I usually have minor symptoms in the spring but this year, so far, has been worse. I had my inhaler filled today (have NEVER used it in the spring before) and was pleasantly surprised to find there is now a generic for Symbacort. Yay! From around $80 in the past down to $14. I don't have asthma, but sometimes get to the point where my bronchial tubes are "irritated". Had a wheezing reaction once, which got me a breathing treatment (which was actually great), hence the inhaler. Thank you mold allergy. They haven't started showing the pollen/mold counts on tv, but after our extremely wet winter/early spring, I'm assuming the counts are up. Feel better!!

    User thanked Tina Marie
  • Jilly
    4 years ago

    Ida, gentle hugs! I’m so glad you saw the Dr and hope you feel much, much better soon. ❤️

    User thanked Jilly
  • lascatx
    4 years ago

    Glad you went. I think it is better to know -- and if you left bronchitis untreated it can get worse. I've had it only once and was on the line with pneumonia by the time I decided I needed to see a doctor. I also would not want anything else compromising my lungs if I was. exposed to COVID-19.

    Allergy symptoms are high this year -- and the things they bring with them. My brother has a sinus infection that probably started with allergy symptoms.

    User thanked lascatx
  • 3katz4me
    4 years ago

    Ida - glad you saw the doctor and likely don’t have the virus.

    User thanked 3katz4me
  • User
    Original Author
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    I learned late yesterday that someone I've been in close contact with has a family member with whom he went skiing recently who has tested positive. The man I have had contact with is now quarantined at home with no symptoms, but how do I know he isn't an asymptomatic carrier? We had close working contact several times after his ski trip. I still don't feel great. No fever at all, but still have the raw throat and touch of asthma. I will continue to self quarantine at home, but find it unnerving to know I have had contact with someone who has been directly exposed. I am awaiting a call from my doctor to go over this new development, though I still doubt I'll be tested. DH is feeling fine, thankfully.

  • Jilly
    4 years ago

    Oh, Ida. So sorry to hear that! Maybe since you’ve had that kind of close contact, they’ll do it. I sure hope so.

  • User
    Original Author
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Thanks Jinx. The nurse I spoke with seemed to feel that my friend's lack of symptoms meant I had nothing to worry about, which doesn't make sense based on what all the reported information is telling us.

  • gsciencechick
    4 years ago

    Pollen is really affecting both DH and me, but two people in his office are now sick, and I am starting to get extremely concerned. Seriously, I should maybe get our guest room bed linens ready in case one of us needs to stay in there. We have not yet removed the guest room.

  • 3katz4me
    4 years ago

    Oh Ida - that is unnerving. I agree - the nurse's comment makes no sense. Hopefully you'll continue to have minimal symptoms and get through this soon.

  • maddielee
    4 years ago

    It is unnerving to find out that you may have been exposed to the virus. Sorry. As long as you don’t spike a high fever or have trouble breathing you should be ok doing what you are doing.

    By next week chances are that the majority of people who are still thinking it’s ok to be out and about will be exposed.

    People have to stop leaving their homes. PERIOD.

  • lascatx
    4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Ida, so sorry to hear that on the heels of not having a worry.

    Maddielee, I know -- the more we can shut down completely, the better we can squelch this thing. Preparation rather than panic would have made such a difference. I worry about those who don't keep much on hand and rely on eating out or frequent shopping. I suspect that is part of what made it harder in Europe. I don't know if I can convince him to wait.

  • bbstx
    4 years ago

    I read this morning that the Journal of Gastroenterology has reported that gastric distress (vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain) may be early signs of COVID-19. DH has had an upset tummy for 2 days. 😱

    DD has an acquaintance who seems to have a compulsion to leave her house. She is thinking up things from the grocery store that she *must* have, like another can of peas when she already has 6 cans of peas. 🤦🏻‍♀️ #flattenthecurve

  • terezosa / terriks
    4 years ago

    At this point, I kind of want to get the virus and be done with it! Of course that's only if I'm part of the percentage that has mild symptoms.

  • Moxie
    4 years ago

    <<Ida>> I'm so sorry to read your latest development. What the nurse said is incorrect. They may need to prioritize who they test, but they should not give misleading information. The stress of not knowing isn't helpful, but you're doing what you should based on how you feel right now. Keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed!

  • lascatx
    4 years ago

    Terriks, the thought has crossed my mind. With younger people getting sicked now, you are left wondering if it is something about the American vs Chinese culture or if the virus is getting stronger. I want a bubble!

  • Jilly
    4 years ago

    Ida, just checking in, hoping you’re ok! ❤️

    My throat is very sore today and I’m dry coughing, but I really think it’s allergies. I mowed Wed and have been working in the yard a lot this week. I haven’t been in public since Monday, and that was only to browse outside at my local nursery (wasn’t once close to another person and didn’t touch anything).

  • Tina Marie
    4 years ago

    I'm so sorry Jenn! I have similar symptoms, but off and on. I know it's allergies. Particularly since we sat outside for a LONG time last night. It was wonderful, but I knew I'd pay! My throat is raw this morning. Keep us posted and hoping you feel better soon.

    Jinx, i'm hoping to stop by a local nursery here in the next few days - it's outside, I can distance myself, etc. but want to pick up a few plants for a project we have going.

  • DLM2000-GW
    4 years ago

    ~~~Ida~~~ (that's a jazz hands greeting - no hugs 😏. Sorry you are still dealing with not feeling well but the uncertainty as well. We ate out on our deck last night and like Tina, with pollen flying I knew today would be an allergy day.

    I worry about our community here and wonder how we will be impacted.

  • gsciencechick
    4 years ago

    I went out for a great bike ride today on the greenway, but the pollen is everywhere. I may be sorry later.

    I am just very concerned about DH's exposure. Last night I slept on the couch. We are washing the guest bed linens. Good thing I didn't make a workout room in there yet. We have a very small house and if we had a basement or bonus room, he'd go there.

  • mtnrdredux_gw
    4 years ago

    The nurse I spoke with seemed to feel that my friend's lack of symptoms meant I had nothing to worry about, which doesn't make sense based on what all the reported information is telling us.

    I believe she may have said this because, the more symptomatic one is, the more contagious one is. In essence, as I understand it, the vast majority of transmission is via droplets. One is unlikely to come in contact with droplets from someone who is asymptomatic. It's not impossible but supposedly quite unlikely, which is prob why she said what she said.

  • User
    4 years ago

    There are studies showing that asymptomatic people may in fact be spreading the virus more than expected.

  • User
    Original Author
    4 years ago

    Thanks you all so much for the kind words. Still not feeling well, but no worse, which I'm glad of. I'm so sorry for those who are also feeling poorly. I know symptoms we might have overlooked before now feel much more worrisome.

    DH spoke to his elderly father today, who has a bad cough but claims his doctor won't let him come in. He says the doctor has called in medicine for him, but I wonder. We have no control over the situation, so just continue to hope and pray for the best.

    These are troubling days.