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storing geraniums bare root and/dormant

I would like to experiment with storing geraniums bare root and/dormant. I bring a lot of annuals and tropicals indoors and just don’t have enough room for these. As it is, even the bathtub will be full of plants. ( I have a separate shower so can spare the tub)

I keep potted tuberous begonias and dahlias very successfully in my windowless sump pump closet once they die back. It’s the only part of my basement that has a concrete floor and a door I can close to keep warmer air out. That said, it’s not REALLY cold: maybe in the 50’s F.

I won’t have much space in that closet but I can spare some for the geraniums.

I have read occasionally on these forums about people who store them in paper bags: but they go on to say the space has to be just above freezing. That describes my attached garage more than it does my basement. Is it worth it if you don’t have a truly cold, but not freezing, space? Thanks.

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