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A few named varieties and several seedlings

Continuum is on a rebloom scape. I'm not sure I like the eye on this one. I like a more saturated color, not this washed-out one. When we bought this, I didn't realize it was an offspring of New Paradigm, which always has a washed-out eye in our climate.

The sun is too harsh in this picture, but I had to show Dennis Russell. This is its first flower open after being planted this year. The seller sent us a huge clump, but then it just sat there--didn't die, but didn't grow either and I was worried about it. It looks like it is doing find now and I will look forward to these blooms next season.

Gay Activist was looking good today. Yesterday its flowers were tiny but then we got a good rain yesterday afternoon. That always perks up the flowers.

Just Another's name says it all. It's not my favorite daylily and will make an exit soon.

Th Dentist keeps putting out lovely flower after lovely flower.

Pastor Z is fast becoming one of Bob's favorites. I like it too.

Raggedy Man is one of our favorites. It just started flowering.

I'll put a few seedlings in the comments.


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