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When do Giant Swallowtails eclose?

YAY!!! The 1st Giant Swallowtail eclosed this morning!

Here's the thing.... this butterfly was dry and flying around the enclosure at 8:30 am. Did it start to eclose last night (early am) or are Giants just super fast eclosers?

Most all the butterflies I've raised typically start the eclosion process between 7:30-9:30 am, in the summer when air temps are in the high 80s. (Even later in the day in the spring when air temps are lower, 60-70s.) So how did this huge butterfly get ready to fly by 8:30 am?

My experience has been that most butterflies are not ready to fly until 12am-3pm. The Gulf Fritillary is the fastest closer I have raised and is usually ready by 11 am.

Sunrise is 6:45 am here now, with it getting light around 5:45.

I am wondering, if because Giant caterpillars tend to eat mostly at night, does this contribute to nighttime (dark) eclosion?

What's your experience? Any Ideas?


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