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NEWBIE SEED PROJECT - Seeds for Newbies - APRIL 2019

val (MA z6)
5 years ago

If you are reading this thread and it's NOT APRIL 2019, this offer is expired (but look to see if there's one for the current month). Each month I will post a new thread if I have seeds to offer Houzz/GW members! (Generally the project is run late fall thru spring; April is likely the last month I will be offering seeds this spring)

WELCOME to Gardenweb!

New to gardening? New to Houzz/GW? Just getting started or coming back to gardening again?

I have a number of packets this month -- Each has a variety of AT LEAST 30+ Flower or Veggie seeds (often more!) thanks to the generous donations of several Houzz/GW gardeners. This offer is for US only and Houzz garden members. It is a ONE time offer for newbies.

TO PARTICIPATE, PLEASE READ ALL of this post, Make sure you FOLLOW the rules, and read the thread for UPDATES. If you dont follow each step, I will NOT respond to your message/post

1. Post your request HERE -- AND send me a Houzz message via Houzz private message. INCLUDE:
-- your Houzz name AND your REAL name, and address. Your Houzz name should be more than a cryptic # as your name
-- Tell me a little bit about you and your garden or soon-to-be garden. You do not have to post this publicly
--Specify If you want flowers OR veggie seeds

2. Please enable your message capability so you can receive messages. (See post below that Leila was nice enough to compile re:TECH HELP -including setting up messaging). It's a good idea to set this up so you can communicate and trade with other Houzz users, and this requirement is so that you have a chance to practice messaging.

3. You must send 10 “forever” stamps; WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI send 12 due to postage increases based on distance sending. I will provide bubble mailer.

If you prefer, you can send $7 (east of mississippi -- West of Mississippi is $9) via paypal; my paypal email provided upon request. Tell me which you prefer in your message. When using paypal, use the "send to friends" option or add an extra 75 cents for fees they charge

The stamps/paypal you are sending pays for the postage to send your seeds to you, the bubble envelope I provide to send them in, and any extra help with extra supplies such as tape, ziploc seed baggies, etc. Additional donations are always appreciated!

PLEASE SEND YOUR STAMPS or Paypal PROMPTLY once you get my address -- so I receive within TWO WEEKS. Dont use your business or a friend's address. We've had problems in this respect.

When you send your seeds, include a reminder as to whether you want flower or veggie seeds, and a legibly written label or paper with your name address printed clearly that I can use as a label on your package

4. The packet contents depends on what has been donated, but offers a wide variety of seeds for the cost! This project is to help get you started for a minimal cost. (You cant get more than 2-3 packs of seeds at the store or on line for this price)

This our our way to welcoming you to the GW/Houzz Garden Community! We look forward to getting to know you! We hope you will stick around and join in the trading and the chat and help build our community of gardeners into a larger base for sharing, learning, etc!

Dont be shy -- feel free to post and join the fun! Introduce yourself and ask questions if you need help!

Have fun and Happy Gardening!

If you’re new to the forums and haven’t read this post, you might find it helpful:


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