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Soaker Hose Set Up with Rain Barrel?

I tried posting to the Irrigation forum, but not a lot of traffic over there.

I have rain barrels but I'm only filling watering cans and watering by hand. I'd like to use soaker hoses on raised veggie beds, but the water doesn't travel far enough to do that. I have the rainbarrels on one cement block.

I just read somewhere that you don't need a pump if your barrels are 12 ft off the ground, but, I can't see doing that with a heavy full rainbarrel. So I guess I am going to have to use a pump. I am 100% inexperienced beyond simple hoses and sprinkler.s I don't know if you have to have connectors or valves or if there are different sizes. It's all greek to me. [g]

I did see this product that is a solar pump and it looks fairly straight forward, and I hoped someone here on the forums had some experience setting up such a system?

Solar Rain Water Pump

I have five raised vegetable beds, I'm trying to water from rain collection. I thought if I ran a soaker hose down each bed, then I'd have to figure a way to connect them all together and then to the rain barrel. It seems like it should be simple so why do I feel like it's not? [g]

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