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2019 SPRING MAG SWAP - Plants You WANT List

5 years ago

2019 SPRING MAG SWAP - Plants You WANT List

Saturday, May 18th from 10:00am - 1:00pm

Location: Gardengranma's Gorgeous Encampment

DIRECTIONS for WANTS LIST: this thread is ONLY for Plants that you WANT!!!

Separate threads will be opened for HAVES & to bring Food

If you're new to the swaps, please take the time and have the courtesy to read these posts. They're here to help everyone have a good time.

New to this Forum? Yes, you can come if you don't have any plants. Your assignment will be to bring food for our potluck lunch which usually starts at 12noon after we have swapped/traded plants. It takes a lot of energy to do the swapping!!!! Extra points if you bring PROTEIN! Chicken / Burgers / Hot Dogs to put on the Grill !!!! Also Veggie dishes, as we'd like to also eat healthy :-) please post FOOD in the separate Food Thread

1. Post a list of the plants you WANT on this thread, ideally with Latin names to avoid confusion, and cultivar names if they have them and you know what they are.

2. List other garden stuff, such as seeds, tools, books / magazines or all things Garden that you wish to swap or give away.

3. Do NOT arrange the swap or trade on this thread, e-mail the person to arrange it.

4. READ other people's lists. If you see things you want and would like to swap or trade for, e-mail the person directly to arrange it. Do that via private e-mail by clicking on your person's name at the top of their post.

5. Do NOT post a list of plants that you HAVE for swapping or trading on this list. There is a separate HAVE thread for this purpose.

6. Do NOT discuss who will be bringing what kind of Bavarian apple tart food to the swap. There is a separate HAVE thread for food.

7. Do UPDATE your posting here and on your member page with your Haves and Wants.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: When you bring your plants, LABEL your plants if possible. We often forget which was what by the time we get them home! Popsicle stick, plastic spoons, recycle old window blinds or other "plantable markers" are great, as they can be popped right in to the ground along with the plant. Clearly mark & separate your "RESERVED PLANTS" (i.e., plants for which you have a pre-arranged swap).

GENTLE REMINDER: At the swap, please do NOT take anything that is labeled for someone else, or is NOT labeled "Free" or "Please Take." Ask. That's all you have to do. If I have forgotten anything else, please add to this thread.

Happy Gardening!


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