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Quotes Feb. 13,2019

5 years ago

Sigmar Polke Quotes

German - Artist February 13, 1941 - June 10, 2010

I love all dots. I am married to many of them. I want all dots to be happy. Dots are my brothers. I am a dot myself.

Sigmar Polke

By making pictures, you learn the many different properties of photography. I use those properties differently than, say, an advertising agency would, but we're both operating in the same reality. A face painted by Picasso occupies the same reality as a portrait by Stieglitz.

Sigmar Polke

Mostly, drawings are things I make for myself - I do them in sketchbooks. They are mental experiments - private inner thoughts when I'm not sure what will come out.

Sigmar Polke

I've never been interested in philosophy, but some of Jung's ideas seem useful in helping people understand pictures and so forth.

Sigmar Polke

I began drawing as a very young child and had a grandfather who experimented with photography, so those things constituted my first exposure to art.

Sigmar Polke

We were very poor and my family lost everything during the war - our home and our identity. But I'm a believer in luck and think the social conditions you're born into provide the opportunity for you to prove your luck. And I suppose I've been lucky.

Sigmar Polke

Because I was traveling a lot during the '70s, the only thing I could do on the road was take photographs, so there wasn't much painting during those years.

Sigmar Polke

Yes, my works... are enshrined in museums, but I don't care if the pieces fall apart in 20 years.

Sigmar Polke

People expect things from art that are horrible for us who make it! They put the things we make in these restrictive places called 'museums,' then don't want to hear another word from us.

Sigmar Polke

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