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mahogany door stain dilemma

We bought a mahogany door and the lady who is staining it has done painting for many members of my family for over 20 years. Everyone has been very happy with her. We asked her if she does staining as well and she said absolutely. She has put one coat of a charcoal stain on our mahogany door and we all agree that it looks pretty awful. Before she puts on another coat I would love peoples opinions and advice on what we can do to salvage the situation other than painting it. It looks to me that she didn’t wipe off stain in certain areas quickly enough so they look splotchy. To her defense, the mahogany on the door is different colors in different areas, so I would expect that the stain would take differently, but I am seeing things that look like streaks etc... that I don’t believe is the fault of the wood alone. She could easily put on another coat, but my fear is that it won’t necessarily solve the issue. Thoughts, advice etc...are appreciated!!

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