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A day in New York City

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

I've never been to NYC before, but will be there on business in early spring (so probably still cold there), and am considering adding an extra day to glimpse a small bit of the city, as I've no idea if or when I'll have an opportunity to get back there. I will stay at the Four Seasons in midtown Manhattan while on business, but must move to a (much) lower-priced accommodation if I add another night - when it comes out of my own pocket. Looks like I have some options for decent but affordable hotels (<$200, and I'm not terribly picky if it's for only one night) that are not too far away.

I know an extra day doesn't allow me nearly enough time, but I'm starting to think it's perhaps better than simply getting on the plane and heading home following my meetings. Having never seen anything in the city, what would you recommend that I do? Should I look at short tours or organize something on my own? Is it enough to just stroll the streets, or is that a ridiculous idea - particularly not knowing what the weather might be doing? One thing did catch my eye, and that's the National Museum of the American Indian -- I'm sure that's something I'd enjoy seeing. I know nothing about getting around the area, except that it's congested and I'm sure taxis are not cheap. Hypothetically, let's say I had from around 10:00am on a weekday until noon or so the following weekday to see some sights. (This also begs the question of what to do with my luggage on my second day; not sure a more "affordable" hotel would hold it for me.)

Any recommendations?

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