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Faucets and Water Dispensers and Water Filtration Systems

Jan Russak
5 years ago

A project in planning since 2016 is finally underway. I had intended to reuse my main kitchen faucet because I absolutely adore(d) it, but because we discovered we have a major problem with hard water and corrosion, it has to be replaced. It is/was a 15 year old Kohler "semi-professional" gooseneck pull down with multiple sprays effects. It's been a wonder. There is nothing *quite* the same on the market today. Kohler has a similar-ish 'semi-professional' model that seems butt-ugly to me - I fear I will get it, love using it and hate looking at it. But that is not the core of the problem. The core of the problem is that right next to that 'semi-professional' workhorse I had - and want to replace - there was a (cold) water dispenser. In the old kitchen, now demolished, these two faucets matched. But Kohler, in its infinite wisdom, is now not selling anything that matches the butt-ugly 'semi-professional' gooseneck faucet (I am specifically referring to the base of the faucets here - the part that sits on the counter).

So I guess I'm asking: how dramatically awful would it be to have similarly-colored but dramatically differently styled faucet bases sitting next to each other? My inner designer cringes, first florbut the practical / chef in me simply sighs and thinks, 'cr*p, that's life'. Opinions?

That's question number 1. Question 2 is: I think I want to install a water filtration system for the water dispenser faucet. Have any of you used these? Found them effective? Ineffective? Useless? Obligatory for drinking water? Background: we are currently down to just the faucet in the first floor 'powder room' and that water is cloudy and somewhat scary.
