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Quality Assurance on this Faucet install

Katie Hoovler
5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

I've been living with my boyfriend for a few months now and stepped back from washing dishes last weekend and thought, "This is wrong!" I've decided that the faucet head and handle are in the wrong position. We basically only use the small part of the sink, when the faucet head is as pictured, it only goes an inch or two beyond the edge of the basin. Having it centered over the smaller sink also causes water to get all over the counter, especially behind the hardware/backsplash.

For me to reach the corner in the large sink, I have to pull out the faucet head and flick my wrist to get it to reach to wash anything down!

Is it an easy to switch the faucet head and handle ourselves (two capable folks with access to youtube, no plumbing experience, one mechanical engineer)? Will it be too weird to have the handle on the left? There are surprisingly few faucets that have the head and handle separately.

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