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Match front door color to the flowers themselves, not the pots?

Sara R
5 years ago
A house in my neighborhood painted their front door a deep, bronze-y purple color, and had planters out front with those tall ‘spike’ plants of the same color. It was so striking, I have been thinking about recreating it on my house. We’ve lived here for 8 years, and I’ve experimented with all kinds of plants in the pots, and impatiens reliably do well — it’s a north facing house, and never really gets full sun. So, I’ve thought about getting the flat of pink impatiens like I do every year, finding a paint color to match and painting the front door the same bright, cheery pink. I’m not afraid of color at all! :) The roof has medium grey shingles. Has anyone ever tried this? I did a mock-up in Sherwin-Williams color snap app. Thoughts?

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