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Trying to pair off-white trim with anything but beige or dark colors

6 years ago

I'm looking for suggestions on pairing my Sherwin Williams Antique White trim with a neutral color but not beige. Our home is very beige and tuscan, not my choice and it's time to update the wall color. A few years ago I consulted with an interior designer and she suggested I try Benjamin Moore Ice Blue just in my living room to see if I liked it and I still love it! The problem is I don't want this color throughout my entire house.

I've tried Sherwin Williams Accessible Beige, Agreeable Gray, Anew Gray and Seasalt. All the greige colors make the trim look VERY yellow. Anew Gray feels too dark and it looks purple. I have an east facing living room with the most windows (3) in this space so the Ice Blue makes it feel bright anytime of day. From everything I read, I have three options, 1.) Paint my trim & doors white, 2.) Paint a darker color on the walls (not an option) or 3.) Paint the entire house SW Antique White to match the trim. At this point I'm only considering option 3 but painting my entire house in Antique White is a little scary.

Since I love my Benjamin Moore Ice Blue color, would it be weird if I painted the entire house in SW Antique white and painted the foyer ceiling (higher than the rest of the house) in BM Ice Blue? I was thinking I could do something like the photo to bring it all together.

Any suggestion is greatly appreciated!

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