Trying to pair off-white trim with anything but beige or dark colors
6 years ago
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- 6 years ago
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Comments (2)I just did it! I just, two months ago, painted a stark white (so white it looked plastic!) medicine cabinet. I started out painting it beige/light tan and ended up embellishing it a bit more to my liking. It's been on the wall over a month with a Bull-In-A-China-Shop husband and I'm pleased to report it's held up very well. In fact, when we were laying the thin-set for the vanity tile somehow thinset was splashed on the medicine cabinet and dried really hard before we noticed it. Even with the final scrubbing off of the thinset, there were no scratches left behind on the med. cab. The way my family is, I'm really glad I gave the med cab a second coat of sealer a week after the first coat dried....See MoreBright white trim and off white cabinets
Comments (19)Thank you everyone for the suggestions so far! I think I will definitely paint the walls a soft white or something between the white and cream. I never liked the green but couldn’t decide on a color so I’ve left it since we moved in a few months ago. The countertops have the backsplash thing attached so I’m going to try to see if I can remove that to put my own in. If I can’t remove it would it look ridiculous to do some small tiles above it between that and the upper cabinets? This is our first house and we don’t really have the budget to do new countertops or replace any cabinets so that’s not really in the picture. I’m just trying to make it look a little better! We have to keep the island because it has storage and we don’t have much of that. We also use it a ton for cooking. I don’t want to paint the trim to match the cabinets because all the trim in the rest of the house is white including the dining room which is open to the kitchen....See MoreIkea Bodbyn Off-White Cabinets - Choosing wall paint and trim paint...
Comments (26)@kel_kat5 How wide is the counter space in each of those three options with the various pantry sizes? How big is your family? I'm considering a 15" pantry which seems quite small in comparison to most I've seen, but I live alone and currently have no pantry at all, so I think any tall cabinet would seem luxe!...See MoreHow to make Off-white creamy trim work for a fresh bright airy theme?
Comments (21)@Stephanie Billadeau - I won't tell you that gray is wrong or that beige or taupe or greige is right. The truth is that there is no perfect neutral that works for everyone. I started my color journey about 20 years ago when I had a color dilemma that I couldn't solve on my own. I found a mentor that helped me find the right colors. I was also working in the mental health field while I was looking for colors for my house and became fascinated with the impact of color on our mood. Since you have not begun painting your home I would like to ask you to take a step back before making any color decisions. I may also be saving you several decades in getting your home perfect for you. What I have learned over the past 20 years. There are colors that bring us joy. There is a connection between happy memories and the colors we associate with those memories. Seeing those colors actually raises the amount of dopamine in our system and makes us feel happier. (When we are depressed and dopamine is reduced we see less color - everything is less colorful and we say we feel blue, but we are actually feeling gray). For most women these colors that bring us joy are the same colors that look good on us. My sisters and I are all over 60. By this time in our lives we have figured all this out and each of our homes is decorated with colors we love (Colors that complement our skin tones, eye color and hair color). We have also figured out our style. I have not studied furniture style vs personality type, but there seems to be a pretty strong connection. I can look at the homes that my siblings live in and understand why they chose the colors and furniture styles. It fits their personality. Without going through my entire large family I will give you just a couple of examples. I am a winter, dark eyes, dark hair, fair skin- burns, does not tan. I am also a manager of a team of data analysts who analyze data quality. By nature I am an introvert - too many people exhausts me. I like numbers and colors and animals and nature. I look good in clear, bright colors, especially reds and purples. My closet is filled with large patterns or solids or a solid shirt with a large flower or animal graphic. It should not be surprising that I am drawn to MCM furnishings, clean lines, solid colors, not a lot of patterns or anything overly busy and the prominent accent colors are teal, purple and red. The neutral that I picked for my home is taupe - gray with a bit of beige that leans purple and my white is a very clean white. My sister made her living studying consumer insights. Very outgoing, quick wit, extrovert, charismatic. Extravert - People energize her. She is a fall - medium brown hair, brown eyes and an olive skin tone that tans easily, never burns. She picks clothing with much smaller, busier patterns than I do and has a lot of muted colors that make me look sick. Her home is an eclectic mix of Antique Queen Anne furnishings and industrial pieces. Her accent colors are greens, golds, orange reds. Her neutral is Moss - a gray beige with a green undertone. My sister-in-law is blond haired, fair skinned with blue eyes. She was a stay at home mom until her kids were grown and now works at a jewelry store. She is a mild extravert - likes people, but doesn't feed off of their energy like my sister. Her home is decorated with country style, oak furnishings. She has cornflower blue and peach as her accent colors and cream as her neutral with a creamy white. Being one of 6 kids and being married to a man who was one of 7 kids I have had the opportunity to look at dozens of homes belonging to people who I know intimately and see how their styles and colors are influenced by their coloring and their personality. I think when we are young we are strongly influenced by current trends and what is popular rather than look inward at who we are and what we love. Can I ask what colors make your heart sing / bring you joy? Do those colors - the one's you want to incorporate into your color scheme work beautifully with gray? Do you wear a lot of gray? Do they work with the trim color you have?...See MoreRelated Professionals
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