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Improve Curb Appeal of My Existing Home

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

I'm about to enter into a renovation of my exisitng Arlington, VA home. I will be bumping out the rear of the house with a basement/1st floor addition to expand the kitchen and basement. We will be excavating the basement level beneath the 1st floor kitchen bumpout. At the same time I want to improve the curbside appeal of my home. I've talked to a number of architects and design builders, but have unfortunately not gotten a lot of feedback on imporving the front of the house. If anyone has any ideas on ways to improve things, I'm all ears. I had suggested a few items to some of the architects I'd spoken with so far. And I've included them here as a starter list for feedback. But please share any comments or ideas that are outside of this preliminary list below. I do appreciate the help!

1. Painting the brick: I know it's a drastic step, but I didn't know if either painting the brick white or painting it with a "white wash" effect would be an attractive option. And then painting the off white/cream trim and porch railing to match. The brick is very spotty and a bit unattractive in my opinion, especially when compared to the other brick houses on the block which have very deep red (and consistent) brick. If anyone has other colors to consider as well, please share.

2. Boxing out the columns to give the house a slightly more modern or craftsmen look. I'm not great with the terminology, but surrounding the two brick columns with a finished looking non-brick rectangular column might improve things a bit. Can anyone recommend a good way to accomplish this look? Or tell me it's a terrible idea! :)

3. New stairwell off the center of the porch. We currently have a side entrance to the porch, and I want to improve that with new stone and an entrance to a new driveway structure. So I don't really need a new stairwell there, but I've seen other similar houses with these stairwells and it makes things look a lot nicer. So I was considering that. The front yard is small, so a stair, paired with a stone patch to the street would cut into the yard space and landscaping, so that's another thing to consider.

4. Windows: Current windows are wood frames and basically nailed shut. I can't open them easily. Was thinking of new windows on the front (possibly to match the new addition windows) there and possibly shutters. Would shutters work in this scenario? Shoudl I match the 2nd floor windows?

5. Entry Door: Was going to replace the entry door and add a nice glass storm door.

6. Ceiling Fans: Was thinking of adding two ceiling fans, as the ceiling of the front porch is a nice, dark ridged wood finish.

7. Driveway/side porch entrance: The existing black asphalt driveway is old and is coming apart. I was thinking of two possible options: (1) Pavers or (2) just white asphalt, which I assume would be cheaper. Does white asphalt stain and/or age quickly/badly? I've seen some newish ones that look great, but wasn't sure how they aged. I'd like to have some kind of stone that connects the driveway to the side (or new front - see #3 above) porch steps. Any ideas there on how best to achieve that?

8. Replace the ugly current concrete porch base (painted green) with some kind of faux wood flooring/topping material. Would that be a good idea? Or is there a better way to improve the look there? These ideas are probably just the tip of the iceberg.

My hope here is to have people weigh in with creative ideas I either hadn't thought of, or I hadn't heard from any of the design professionals who had been by the house. I've included pictures below. And again, I do appreciate the help! Thanks so much!!!

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