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Advice on landscaping backyard of 50s ranch house

6 years ago
Our home remodel is almost complete and the hot LA summer has passed. We're now ready to get started on landscaping our backyard. Our plan is to have someone come in and ready the ground, lay the DG and pavers. We'll do the rest over time.

Our yard is 50 ft wide and 32 ft long from the end of main patio (not the additional extension for spa). There is also 5 ft wide paths on the sides we're going to keep neat with DG and pavers.

We used an online landscaping tool to lay out our idea. Would love thoughts, recommendations, concerns.

Here's a photo of our new layout. Sand color areas will be DG. Other open areas will be drought tolerant plants. We've got big ficus trees at the back (south wall) and a big orange tree to the right of the future spa (west fence). Need to figure out best plants to grow around all the trees over time.

Also there are photos of the current yard.

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