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Garage floor bumper/ raised area question

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

I'm doing an attached garage addition to my midcentury house (24'x24' including 8" block walls). The architect added a 4' wide x 4" raised section that spans the length of the garage front (line in pic below) to provide a bumper so cars dont drive into the wall. I just now found out about it. The contractor says I can remove it if I want, but need to know soon. The block walls are going up. There is no extra cost either way.

I like the idea of the walkway, because I feel like it adds some architectural detail to the garage. It would give me a place to put my bikes also. I like that it spans the two doorways. I dont like it because I feel like it shortens the garage for vehicles. I have a toyota 4runner TRD Pro, which is pretty long, but will fit in the garage either way. It could also be a tripping hazard.

My main question is if the 4 foot span at the front of the garage will decrease the utility of it?

Any thoughts on what I should do? Thank you!

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