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Delicate New Growth Falling Off

Denise Becker
5 years ago

I have a Record Buck Farms Eureka lemon which has been my problem child for the past 3 years. It went into shock after the first repot and it finally started new growth this year. New growth starts and after observing it this whole growing season, it seems the tree cannot support it. The flush doesn't get any larger than 1/4" long and doesn't get past the tiny finger looking stage. I noticed this problem 3x this year. New growth comes out and, within days, I find the new flush on the ground or on top of the soil. The first time I thought the dog bumped it, the second time, I had no explanation. Third time, it was protected in the sunroom away from any interaction from anything.

After noticing new growth again last week, I brought the tree inside my sunroom to protect it from accidental bumping a few days ago. Today I noticed my newest flush leaning over on itself. I blew on it and it just fell to the floor. I noticed this same thing happening with my Shiranui trees this spring.

Is there a way to fix this? I just fertilized yesterday with a granular product and it shouldn't affect the tree. I am at a loss.

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