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Wintergreen Boxwood ...weak?

I bought 2 of these wintergreen boxwoods when they were only about 12" tall, they were in oversized pots for a couple of years and did well, I moved them to the ground last spring when they were getting too big and overall they are both doing ok, they are nice and green and about 3' tall now but this guy is making me worry, he gets plenty of sun during the day, is protected from the wind and gets water if needed, however, when there is a bit of rain OR when I water it from the top ( yeah yeah I know that is not adviced at all) its branches sorta lay close to the ground ( In last pics you will see my son barely pushing onto the branches), I don't really prune them at all because I like the "pine" shape they are turning into, but even if I try to prune, most of the branches start coming from the bottom center... not from the main trunk...Does that make sense? Is this natural from this variety?


