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Previous discussion by the same name was getting pretty long, and no longer "recent." What's going on with your plants today?

Window box full of "houseplants"

First time I've seen this since having this plant, pencil cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli) blooming.

The first one I noticed doing it is just a small cutting from about 2-3 months ago. Having been taken from the top of a plant, the ontological age (maturity) was preserved.

5 gallons of happy plants.

Found 2 cute pots at thrift store. This one has Haworthia radula installed.

NOID Echeveria.

Dieffenbachia cutting, about 3 weeks after being cut & put in water. There were 5 leaves originally, but 3 of them were absorbed.

The roots, pulled up a bit to be more easily seen.

Kalanchoe blossfeldiana plants are still blooming.

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