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Need Advice - Landscape Design - Front of House

6 years ago

I just bought the house I rented for 10 years and can finally do something about the landscaping. I'm the middle of 3 townhouses. On either side of the front door is about 16 feet wide and 9 feet deep.

The HOA landscaper gave me a free rendering, but I'm concerned about his choice of Cherry Laurel and even the Blue Spruce (even though I know it’s a slow grower). I don't want to end up with huge "ball" looking shrubs again. I love to garden, but I don't want things that are too much to keep up with.

The area gets afternoon sun, and I live in Zone 7.

Pictures of my current landscaping and proposed rendering are attached.

I can't wait to feel proud of my landscaping. Can anyone offer suggestions?

Thank you :-)

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