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Passiflora caerulea: anyone see Zebra longwings use it?

(Jay/Jax FL/Zone 9a)
6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

I have a Passiflora caerulea AKA 'Blue Crown passionflower' I grow in morning sun. I've had it for several years and it is loved by Gulf frits which defoliate it but I have yet to see a Zebra longwing use it. I get plenty of Zebra longwings right across from the plant as I have a bunch of firebushes they like so I know they're around.

I have heard of people using the plant in conservatories to feed Zebra longwings so I know it isn't toxic to them, perhaps it just isn't attractive to lay eggs on?

I'm trying to grow and establish the native Maypops but for some reason I'm having no luck even though they grow locally+vigorously (I'm planting in an area with morning sun). I'm considering finding a source for the small native P. lutea and then layering it with the P. caerula, with the idea they'll lay eggs on one of them but the caterpillars will eat both equally.

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