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Question about grafting maples

Timothy Wood
6 years ago

Hey, I’ve wandered about grafting maples. When you graft a branch from one maple to another say for instence I graft a branch from a Japanese or Sugar Maple onto another maple of the same species.

Does it matter what branch you used? I’ve read in other places where some trees like conifers for example if you graft a horizonal branch onto another conifer and plan to train the new branch into the new central leader it’ll try to growing as a branch and won’t grow like a tree.

Does it matter with maples what branch I use? Because most maples have their vertical branches high up and you stuck using a lower branch that hangs down usually a horizonal branch. Say I graft a branch from a Sugar Maple to another Sugar Maple seedling and I stuck using a lower branch that hangs down because most if the vertical ones are to high up. So if I used a lower hanging down branch to use as scion to graft with would it right itself out and grow like a normal tree? Thanks.

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