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Any feedback on kitchenaid microwave drawer?

6 years ago
I’m getting the KA double oven (I know it’s not as fancy as what many here do, but it has the features I want and is in my budget.) I’m trying to figure out where to put microwave and I keep going back and forth between putting in the GE under cabinet microwave (above counter, but still is lower than an OTR microwave), or a really small corner one on countertop, or shelling out more bucks on a drawer. This would match the ovens, and would likely be placed right next to them. Not many reviews though... anyone have it? Or any thoughts on drawer vs counter vs above counter?|G|Base|D29A|29-15_COOKING|MULTI|NA&gclid=Cj0KCQjwnfLVBRCxARIsAPvl82GBVP8Eb9pkv5TPjzpWMdzXd7vJ9Cq1BNaccFWIvS0J7X_XTc4030caAnq4EALw_wcB&dclid=COC8ubiak9oCFVFVwQodwJIBAA

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