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Succulent Propagation Success

This is a post for anyone who is struggling to propagate their succulents because I've been there before. I did the whole "lay it on soil and forget about it" I also went through watering the leaves everyday or every couple days. NOTHING worked for me. Then I found that I could do a water propagation so I gave it a shot and I think the stars aligned because it WORKED!! Here's how I did it: I found a plastic container that was about 3 inches deep. Then I hot glued a wooden stick across the middle because the toothpicks were too short. Then I took two toothpicks and taped them together so that the space between them was just enough to snuggly fit the leaf without it falling through. Repeat that process several times. Finally all you have to do is place the toothpicks with the leaf so that one end is on the wooden rod, and the other on the edge of the container. Fill the water so that it is just under the leaf that hangs the lowest. This method has gotten me massive success. If you have ANY questions please leave them in the comments and I'll try to answer them the best I can.

Here's the setup:

Here is the leaf on the bottom right on March 3rd.

And here it is on March 26th (less than one month)

The far left is a leaf that started out with nothing


1. The actual bottom of the leaf itself is not in the water, some roots or leaves may grow into the water but I found that to be fine

2. DO NOT let the leaf fall into the water, if it does take it out immediately or else it will most likely die

3. I use tap water and don't have any problems

4. Of course not every leaf will live and grow but don't be discouraged, take out any dead or rotting leaves

5. Make sure the toothpicks are not cutting into the leaf they are holding

6. Remember to BE PATIENT this can be a long process

Sorry for the long post but kudos to anyone who read the whole thing. Looking forward to your questions. BTW I'm not claiming to be a professional, like at all :)

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