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A Blast From the Past

I was telliing you all that I had begun in 2012 to re-read many of the posts from then and am working my way forward. Okay, although much of it was fascinating, including seeing those of you there then who are still here now, and seeing other eager learners there who aren't here now and copying much of that enlightening information to my OneNote journal. . .

I lost it just now. I'm not sure what the protocol is for re-posting a member's post. . . .I'm not sure whether this is appropriate or not. But this was my laugh of the week--especially given the timing, this evening, when it is supposed to reach a low of 5.

From Luvabasil:

WELCOME! You are going to get some awesome advice on this site. I was a fairly experienced garder when I moved to Oklahoma (I was a former horticulture major for goodness sake) But here, I couldn't grow anything! Not even rosemary. These guys brought me out of the depths of depression and self doubt and now I am up to basil, garlic and yes, rosemary. That isn't everything I planted, that is only what was harvestable. There are, however, several things, of which you should be forwarned:
1. There is a site virus called "I wanna grow everything". There is no cure. It is similar to the manic phase of a manic depressive episode. It may lay dormant for a small period of time in July and Aug, or anytime the temperature hits 103 degrees. I have found December to be the absolute worst phase of this virus.
2. I posed a question one morning on gophers and raccoons. The guns, the shovels and the screaming was not working. And I was really tired of my husband looking like Chevy Chase. So I asked what I should do. Slowpoke suggested alcohol. The gophers loved it and invited their friends. So I tried self medication. During the self medication, I ordered 2500 daffodil bulbs many of which I am still planting. I should of asked for specific directions on the advice.
3. Finally, do not read this blog late in the evning. Seriously, you will be up all night wondering how large you can expand the garden without angering your spouse, or wondering if it is too late to plant a particular something, or you will just giggle so loudly it wakes up the house.

Just wanted you to be prepared.
And welcome to the absolute best discussion site ever!

Thank YOU Luvabasil, wherever you are, 5 years later. . . . yep, giggling loudly, but husband has earphones on. And slowpoke, if you're reading, here's to you!
