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40 bags in 40(ish) days declutter challenge. Who's with me!?

7 years ago

If you haven't yet seen the 40 bags in 40 days challenge, the idea is to eliminate 40- (ish) trash bags of stuff from your house in 40 days. The details are not set in stone, but the basic parameters are to get 40 trash bags or bins of stuff out the door as either trash, donations or to sell (i.e, on Facebook yardsales, craigslist, etc. )

If you want to join me in this challenge, I'll start on Monday January 1st and end on Feb 15th. It's not an exact 40 days, so we can have skip days here and there. We can check in with comments to motivate each other and provide ideas of things we purged and ideas for how to tackle certain rooms.

I'm starting next week with the following plan. If you'd like to join in, simply comment below and I'll add new lists to tackle each week! Here is next week's list - I'm hoping to get about 6 kitchen-sized trash bags filled and out the door from the below de-cluttering. G'BYE!

Who's with me!?

Here is what I plan to
tackle next week – Bathrooms & (non-bedroom) Closets!


meds, lotions, cosmetics, beauty products

accessories that are missing pieces or that I don't use

of curlers, irons, dryers, etc. Who needs 3 flat irons?! (I thought I did, apparently)

Combine/condense cleaning supplies

Old toothbrushes

Old parts/cords/covers to hubby’s electric razors

Old charging stations to electric toothbrushes we no longer use


Towels that have bleach spots, are tattered or ripped (will either tear into
sections for cleaning or toss)

Sheet sets that are tattered or ripped or missing it’s match

Random, single pillow cases

Shower curtains I no longer use

Broken electric blankets or blankets that we don’t need/use

Heating pads that are missing the cover or broken

hall closet:

Eliminate hats/mittens that we don’t need or are orphans

Coats that we no longer wear

Anything that is ripped, torn or missing buttons, (drop off at
drycleaners to fix or toss)

Check and toss broken umbrellas


Broken flashlights

Combine all batteries to one bin

Cords that don’t belong to anything

Lightbulbs that no longer belong to any fixtures in our house
(after updating, etc.)

Caddy all tools together & return them to hubby's toolbox (he's infamous for leaving them around the house after fixing things)

Combine cleaning supplies, toss any old, leaky bottles

Old vacuum bags or parts

Filters that don’t belong to anything


Old arts and craft supplies that are missing pieces

Old, rumpled wrapping paper

Markers, brushes and paint that has dried up/become ruined from

Sets that are no longer in tact

Twine, wire, yarn that is tangled, unusable

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