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Quotes 12 - 22 - 17 : 2, Reece, Kostelanetz, Hartline, Rexroth, Bill,

6 years ago

B. Carroll Reece Quotes
American - Politician December 22, 1889 - March 19, 1961

In the long run, much public opinion is made in the universities; ideas generated there filter down through the teaching profession and the students into the general public.
B. Carroll Reece

As the egalitarianism of Marxism is attractive to many, socialism could have attracted many followers in America, anyway. But there is no doubt that it could not possibly have affected us so widely and so deeply as it has, had it not been heavily financed.
B. Carroll Reece

In this era in which we live, the old-fashioned virtues grow increasingly unpopular.
B. Carroll Reece

Instead of being taught independence, energy, and enterprise, our youth today is taught to look for security.
B. Carroll Reece

One who works for his own profit is likely to work hard. One who works for the use of others, without profit to himself, is likely not to work any harder than he must.
B. Carroll Reece

We approach closer and closer to socialism.
B. Carroll Reece

Andre Kostelanetz Quotes
Russian - Musician December 22, 1901 - January 13, 1980

One of the greatest sounds of them all - and to me it is a sound - is utter, complete silence.
Andre Kostelanetz

The conductor has the advantage of not seeing the audience.
Andre Kostelanetz

Everybody should have his personal sounds to listen for - sounds that will make him exhilarated and alive or quiet and calm.
Andre Kostelanetz

Haldan Keffer Hartline Quotes
American - Scientist December 22, 1903 - March 17, 1983

Alfred Nobel was much concerned, as are we all, with the tangible benefits we hope for and expect from physiological and medical research, and the Faculty of the Caroline Institute has ever been alert to recognize practical benefits.
Haldan Keffer Hartline

But what is more, if we have succeeded in adding to the basic understanding of our universe and ourselves, we will have made a contribution to the totality of human culture.
Haldan Keffer Hartline

One is that we stand - my two confreres and I - in some degree as representatives of a great number of fellow workers over the entire world, who are enthusiastically active in this field of ours.
Haldan Keffer Hartline

One works in one's laboratory - one's chaotic laboratory - with students and colleagues, doing what one most wants to do - then all this happens! It is overwhelming.
Haldan Keffer Hartline

Scientists care deeply about their place in that culture, and their contribution to it.
Haldan Keffer Hartline

Kenneth Rexroth Quotes
American - Poet December 22, 1905 - June 6, 1982

Man thrives where angels would die of ecstasy and where pigs would die of disgust.
Kenneth Rexroth

I've been around jazz and jazz musicians most of my life.
Kenneth Rexroth

You don't become a saint until you lead a good life whether in Tibet or Italy or America.
Kenneth Rexroth

This isn't the best town for what we're doing. Too many other things to pull the crowds away.
Kenneth Rexroth

Did you know I staged the first performance in America of At the Hawk's Well?
Kenneth Rexroth

The basic line in any good verse is cadenced... building it around the natural breath structures of speech.
Kenneth Rexroth

Mary, my little girl, was confirmed in a Buddhist temple. She saw the Life write up on Buddhism, with pictures of the ceremony, and she said she wanted to be confirmed there because she only liked Jesus as a kid. She was a little disappointed in him when he grew up.
Kenneth Rexroth

Max Bill Quotes
Swiss - Architect December 22, 1908 - December 8, 1994

Even in modern art, artists have used methods based on calculation, inasmuch as these elements, alongside those of a more personal and emotional nature, give balance and harmony to any work of art.
Max Bill

The orbit of human vision has widened and art has annexed fresh territories that were formerly denied to it.
Max Bill

Far from creating a new formalism, what these can yield is something far transcending surface values since they not only embody form as beauty, but also form in which intuitions or ideas or conjectures have taken visible substance.
Max Bill

We call those works of art concrete that came into being on the basis of their inherent resources and rules - without external borrowing from natural phenomena, without transforming those phenomena, in other words: not by abstraction.
Max Bill

I made the first Moebius strip without knowing what it was.
Max Bill

Thus, the more succinctly a train of thought was expounded, and the more comprehensive the unity of its basic idea, the closer it would approximate to the prerequisites of the mathematical way of thinking.
Max Bill

Lady Bird Johnson Quotes
American - First Lady December 22, 1912 - July 11, 2007

Perhaps no place in any community is so totally democratic as the town library. The only entrance requirement is interest.
Lady Bird Johnson

Art is the window to man's soul. Without it, he would never be able to see beyond his immediate world; nor could the world see the man within.
Lady Bird Johnson

Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them.
Lady Bird Johnson

Become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.
Lady Bird Johnson

Every politician should have been born an orphan and remain a bachelor.
Lady Bird Johnson

Any committee is only as good as the most knowledgeable, determined and vigorous person on it. There must be somebody who provides the flame.
Lady Bird Johnson

The clash of ideas is the sound of freedom.
Lady Bird Johnson

The first lady is, and always has been, an unpaid public servant elected by one person, her husband.
Lady Bird Johnson

It's odd that you can get so anesthetized by your own pain or your own problem that you don't quite fully share the hell of someone close to you.
Lady Bird Johnson

No news at 4:30 a.m. is good.
Lady Bird Johnson

A politician ought to be born a foundling and remain a bachelor.
Lady Bird Johnson

Diane Sawyer Quotes
American - Journalist Born: December 22, 1945

Follow what you are genuinely passionate about and let that guide you to your destination.
Diane Sawyer

Whatever you want in life, other people are going to want it too. Believe in yourself enough to accept the idea that you have an equal right to it.
Diane Sawyer

If you're curious, you'll probably be a good journalist because we follow our curiosity like cats.
Diane Sawyer

The one lesson I have learned is that there is no substitute for paying attention.
Diane Sawyer

An investigation may take six months. A quick interview, profile, a day.
Diane Sawyer

I've always found a cure for the blues is wandering into something unknown, and resting there, before coming back to whatever weight you were carrying.
Diane Sawyer

Great questions make great reporting.
Diane Sawyer

I'm always fascinated by the way memory diffuses fact.
Diane Sawyer

I keep trying to perfect my mother's meatloaf recipe. I will never get it perfect, but I'm getting closer.
Diane Sawyer

I think there's a point at which you know how you dress isn't going to affect how much you do in life.
Diane Sawyer

We did exactly what everybody in the country did, watching it. You entered this state of sort of denials. You think, well, it must have been a tragic accident by an amateur pilot. And then you see the next plane coming.
Diane Sawyer

The most fun is getting paid to learn things.
Diane Sawyer

The interesting thing is always to see if you can find a fact that will change your mind about something, to test and see if you can.
Diane Sawyer

Start in a small TV station so you can make all of your embarrassing mistakes early and in front of fewer people!
Diane Sawyer

Part of this new world of completely improvisational terrorism is that there were codes of war that disintegrated in the face of terrorism.
Diane Sawyer

I'm not sure people are ever completely comfortable telling pollsters what they do and don't think.
Diane Sawyer

I love the early process of asking questions about a story and deciding which questions matter most.
Diane Sawyer

I like talking. I didn't know at the time I would have to worry so much about my hair.
Diane Sawyer

I have a liberal definition of news because I think news can be what excites people. I'm not very sanctimonious about what news is and isn't.
Diane Sawyer

I have a contract but it's not a commitment in the ordinary sense. It's our ongoing conversation.
Diane Sawyer

I get involved in the beginning, less in the middle, and very much at the end.
Diane Sawyer

I don't think it's about entertainment. I think it's about being ourselves.
Diane Sawyer

I don't know why I'm saying I'm brave.
Diane Sawyer

Hope changes everything, doesn't it?
Diane Sawyer

Every time somebody tries to go in and reinvent what we do, it always ends up being more about technology and sets, and flash and dash, forgetting the main thing, which is interesting people saying interesting, important things.
Diane Sawyer

American Idol, I love. I think it's a passing fancy but not passing so soon.
Diane Sawyer

People tend to vote the present tense - not the subjective.
Diane Sawyer

People assume you can't be shy and be on television. They're wrong.
Diane Sawyer

I think the one lesson I have learned is that there is no substitute for paying attention.
Diane Sawyer

I've always been curious. I keep a list of people I'd love to have lunch with, like the Pope or Leonard Cohen. I'll read an article about someone I've never met and think, 'I should ask him to lunch!'
Diane Sawyer

My husband has said even he doesn't know my politics. In the nonromantic-compliment category, that's a good one.
Diane Sawyer

I've always wanted to throw a party where everyone comes with their mother's meatloaf. Everybody could evoke their mother's memory through her meatloaf.
Diane Sawyer

Sometimes I forget some of the things I've done. I recently recalled that after Watergate I went away by myself to Tahiti for a month, moving from island to island. That was a point in my life where I didn't know what was next.
Diane Sawyer

I get to go to work and come home with something interesting or enriching or astonishing.
Diane Sawyer


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