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Need help identifying problems with cured and stored garlic bulbs

6 years ago

These are pictures of the cloves of garlic I found yesterday when opening a bulb of hard neck I grew in my garden this past year. I planted it at the end of October 2016 and harvested it July of 2017. The plants grew nicely and looked very healthy, giving us tasty scapes in June then huge bulbs of beautiful garlic - at least on the outside. Many of the bulbs are perfect but several have had this problem. My first thought is soil fungus of some kind. I examined the damaged cloves for mites and other insects and can see no evidence of any. Notice there is one perfect clove in this bulb, the others are browning, rough and rubbery on the outside. When the cloves are cut, the inside is crisp and juicy despite the discoloration.

What do you think? And, are they edible raw and/or cooked? I don't like the idea of throwing them away. Thank you!

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