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How to get marks Off my painted walls

Image Painting
6 years ago

A fresh coat of paint is a great way to spruce up any room. Sometimes, a new coat may not always fit within your budget, so here are some tips on how to remove those marks from your latex walls to make them look almost like new.

One major rule of thumb is to always test any cleaning solution that you will be using on an area on your wall that is not in plain view. This way you can be sure your cleaning won’t cause more harm to your wall.

For latex painted walls, the best course of action for new and simple marks is warm water and a non-abrasive sponge. Dip the sponge in the water and strain as much as possible while still keeping the sponge slightly damp. If you leave too much water on the sponge it can damage both the drywall and the coat of paint. Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t disappear when you first scrub. It might take some elbow grease but keep in mind that the harder you scrub the more you are likely to remove paint off the walls. Gentle and slowly is the best way to go. Once you are done dry the area off with a clean rag.

For tougher stains, you can use a baking soda. Combine warm water with baking soda to create a paste. Before you begin be sure to test the solution in an inconspicuous area to be sure that you won’t cause more damage. Once you are good to go, place some of the paste on a soft sponge and gently work the stain until you see it disappear. You don’t want to put too much pressure since it can remove the paint completely. Once the stain is removed, rinse the area with warm water and finish by drying with a clean rag.

If neither of these work, you can also try cleaning solutions found in your local hardware stores. Follow directions and always test to be sure it will work on your walls. Happy cleaning!
