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Gift ideas for men?

7 years ago

Copying Funkyart...any ideas for the guys on your list?

I find guys the hardest to buy for. Especially my dad, who's 82. I did notice that his wallet is looking like it's about to fall apart, so I'll get him a new one. Other than that, no idea. We usually give him gift cards for gas, groceries, etc. Boring but useful, I guess.

There's a big book that came out recently about the history of 60 Minutes. I might get that for my BIL. Another BIL may get the book on the history of Rolling Stone Magazine, though it's currently out of stock at Amazon.

I just ordered my 22 yo DS a really nice fisherman knit sweater from LL Bean (25% off this weekend). He has gotten to the age where he appreciates nice clothes, and he is a sweater guy. (Has to be! He goes to college in upstate NY!)

My older son is 25 and usually presents us with a list of a few high tech gadgets that are beyond his budget, so I'll wait for his list, but the 22 yo hardly ever asks for anything so I usually have to guess with him. He's graduating in May, so I may get him a couple of "interview outfits."

Comments (52)

  • 7 years ago

    My dad is 86 and on his own and is not good about keeping up with basics. Last year we bought him sheets and blanket for his bed and my sister bought a comforter. Nothing really wrong with what he had but he doesn't think to replace things like that. I got flannel sheets and he especially loved those! I also usually get him a gift card for the car-wash place and a breakfast place. He doesn't cook much and likes to go out for breakfast. He likes for my sister and I to pick out clothes for him. LOL One thing I thought of his - he naps on a antique chaise in the living room. One day I was over there and noticed he had a beach towel for a blanket! LOL!! I'm getting a nice throw for him to use for napping.

  • 7 years ago

    Tina, I don't know if you shop at costco, but I just bought the nicest throw there, extremely soft and cozy, with a velvety plush on one side and a more nubbly plush on the other. Very light to hold (because it's all poly I think) but very snuggly. I bought a cream one and the quality seems very good - there were other colors.

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  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Honestly, buy the time one is past 80, I think a gift card for a store they enjoy shopping at is bound to be welcome, even if it's just a grocery store. My mother, her 94 year old friend & I have been exchanging grocery store gift cards for some time now for our respective birthdays, etc. (I am well under 80, BTW) & nobody's been unhappy about it @ all!

    I guess it depends on whether one enjoys shopping for oneself or not?

    I love getting gift cards = )

    And I have noticed that the older one becomes, the more entrenched one becomes in personal items, surroundings & living habits, so buying someone a replacement for a familiar item may not go over well.

  • 7 years ago

    Just bought my DH Ugg slippers to replace the ones he has had for years.

    The other day he called up to me, "You know what you can get me, new slippers!"

    They were already on their way.

  • 7 years ago

    Ahh, what you young uns don't understand is that we old uns actually prefer our old falling apart wallets, our comfy old sheets and comforters and beach towel throws. My father died with two brand new gift wallets in his drawer and his trusty old ragged one in his pocket, and lots of new clothes in his closet. And he was a fashion plate when he was young.

    I couldn't understand it then, but now that my husband is older than my dad was when he died, my husband is doing the same thing. He has a closet full of pretty shirts, pants, sweaters and sweatshirts, and wallets! the kids and I have given him over the years, but he always wears his ancient old clothes because "they're broken in."

    I meant well with my dad. You mean well with yours. We've love the guys! But in my experience they prefer the known to the unknown. Grocery gift cards, restaurant cards, gift certificates to his barber are all great gifts. Cleaning services, laundry service, lawn mowing and snow blowing services, all good. New stuff? Nope. I bet the men in your lives have plenty of new, unused stuff in their homes. It just isn't important.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    It really gets difficult doesn't it? My dad, who is 86, reads a lot so I usually get him a gift card for Barnes and Noble. I'm pretty sure they can also be used at the store's cafe too, which is nice, he enjoys wandering around the store and maybe grabbing something to eat. A couple of years ago I ordered him the NY Times birthday book which I think maybe Oakley had recommended here. It's a really neat idea, but I'm not sure he really liked it! My son is turning 25 this week and I've had a really hard time finding something for him. I ended up ordering this Woolrich jacket/shirt last night, I hope he likes it. A lot of the reviewers say they wear it with a sweater or hoodie underneath, it's roomy, so maybe your son would like it.

  • 7 years ago

    My DH loves the headlamp I got him one year (he's a runner, but another friend loves hers for mucking out the barn at night and another uses it for bike riding).

  • 7 years ago

    My daughters picked this cologne out for my DS and we all really like it. It's not too heavy. Sephora has a good description of it.

  • 7 years ago

    Luckily, my immediate family does not exchange gifts for Christmas,since all my siblings have families if their own to provide for,and our parents made it very clear that they do NOT WANT ANY MORE STUFF, and do not want us to get them anything,save a card. So i only buy for SO. But SO rarely asks for anything specific,so i have to improvise. I usually get him some tools,some clothes,some cologne and I always get him socks,underwear and t shirts. Every year, he asks "where's my box?" He's referring to the box of socks,underwear and tshirts,which he claims is what he looks forward to every year. The tricky thing is finding tools that he will use that I haven't bought him already.

  • 7 years ago

    It is super hard to come up with gifts. My sister bought my parents these drinking glasses that have some kind of goop inside them, you put them in the freezer, And then they keep your drink cold. They like to split a beer sometimes with dinner, and that way it stays cold. They did like the Birthday book - front page of NYT every year since they were born...fascinating. We got my FIL a large flag made out of wood by Veterans, he liked that (retired Army Ranger).

  • 7 years ago

    Amylou, I totally get that. My family had stopped exchanging gifts but after my mom died, my sis and I started doing so for my dad again. I guess because he lives alone and my mom made a fuss over Christmas. My mom mad a fuss over HIM. So Sheesh, that's what you might not understand about some men. My dad likes clothes and used to shop for himself. He loves my sis and I to buy him clothes. He might say he doesn't need anything, but he still likes to receive new things and he will wear them. He was thrilled with the sheets, etc. because it's not something he thinks to do for himself - my mom did that. It may not be "important", but he still enjoys it.

  • 7 years ago


  • 7 years ago

    If your dad is 82, he probably never left home as a kid without his pocket knife. Ask him about that and see if he gets a nostalgic glint in his eye. Modern pocket knives are much improved over the knives my dad left to me. I could never open his even with two hands. The modern knives open with one hand either with your thumb or forefinger. I prefer the forefinger openers as my thumb seems to not have the oomph to open a knife by itself. My youngest daughter carries a Kershaw Leek at all times in her purse, and I carry a Kershaw Amplitude in my pocket. I keep a Kershaw Filter in my car. We just started carrying these in January, but I've become very attached to them. I use mine at least once a week for opening something.

  • 7 years ago

    Maybe lots of your guys have something like this already, but I've given these to both men and women who love them. I like that the heads store inside the handle and the ones I buy are magnetized so it's easy to keep everything together, including inserting the head you want. So nice for changing batteries in things or tightening glasses.

    And also one of these telescoping magnets. Great for picking up things like screws or nails that have fallen on the floor that he may have a hard time seeing or grasping - this one extends 30", says it will pick up 15#, but I'm skeptical of that claim:

  • 7 years ago

    Tina, new sheets for your dad sounds like an awesome idea. Now that I think about it, I just don't see many elderly men shopping for linens, etc. Oly mentioned the nice throws at Costco....I saw some nice ones at Sams the other day also.

    New towels, washcloths, dish towels, etc might be a good idea also.

    Most elderly men do love their breakfast gift cards. I see so many of them gathering at the local Hardees, McDonalds, and Dairy Queen. Good socialization.

  • 7 years ago

    My dad isn't quite in his 80s.. but he will always get presents. He loves opening presents and loves the surprise. Still, it can be hard because he is set in his ways--set in his brand choices.

    I don't think I will ever top the year that I made a family cookbook. I spent a lot of time craftily getting the recipes he had in my head.. plus those from the rest of us. It had family photos and stories as well. He spent a lot of time going through the book page by page.. and he showed it to every person who came to visit.

    Another gift he loved-- though it was for one of his birthdays was a book of "Things grandpa taught us". Each of the 4 kids.. and the 7 grandkids.. and a few "adopted" kids from the old neighborhood contributed. We ended up with 70 pages of stories and quotes... Some funny, some serious and touching. It was really very special-- and it still makes me teary to think of it.

    I don't have many ideas for him yet this Christmas -- or most of the men. but here are a few ideas:

    Starting a long time ago, I used to get my brother socks-- GOOD socks. When I stopped, he noted that he always looks forward to my sock gifts. So now he gets socks and a bottle of good vodka. I get a mix of dress and outdoor socks. These were a fun find for him last year

    Also a gift from a prior year but my sister told me her husband loved the "New Mitt" mancan candle I bought for him. Some of the other scents I bought that year had an odd smell but this one was a winner. (I grabbed this photo from houzz so you can buy them right here)

    We're a bunch of scrabble lovers in my family. Last year I gave this deluxe edition scrabble/monopoly game to my nephew and his fiancé. It's 25% off now and the wood box with engraving is a nice touch. I was going for straight scrabble but when I saw the pieces for the monopoly game included a boot, a moose, a canoe, etc. I opted for the combined game set

    One of my nephews requests a year of Netflix.. and has for the last 10 yr or more. It started out as a way to give him some basic life skills. He is developmentally challenged and back in the days when Netflix sent DVDs it was great for him to get packages-- but also to know to return them so he could get more.

    I am going to have to check out the Versace scent Mtn shared. I also love Versace Dreamer. "A man who knows no limits, who experiences his strength naturally, his elegance spontaneously. "

  • 7 years ago

    Oh.. and a funny story: a bought a gift for an old bf's dad. He was Italian and building a new house with an expansive yard. I thought Bocce would be a great idea.. an Italian game and one my family enjoyed all spring/summer. When we went to visit him in his newly finished home a few months later, he had the bocce balls in a bowl as decoration! LOL. He never did use it as the lawn game.

  • 7 years ago

    Ah, funky, you are a good giver! Those are the kinds of gifts the men i know love...memories, consumables, practical. Newspaper and magazine subscriptions, like Netflix, are also very much appreciated, along with the restaurant cards.

  • 7 years ago

    So many good ideas. My DH and DS also really like the colorful or funny socks. I don't think DH even wears plain socks any more.

    Inspired by Funky, I just emailed my dad's side of the family and asked them to send me family recipes! My dad will never cook, but he'll like having them. There are particular cookies that his mom used to make that my aunts make whenever we have a family reunion, for example. I asked them to send stories along with the recipes if they can. I'll make a book and send it to my aunts and cousins too.

    I may get my dad flannel's also occurring to me that he probably has bed pillows that are reallllly old. Ick. Adding pillows to the list.

    I'm working on getting him a house cleaning service, too. (Getting referrals from a friend who lives near him.) I need someone to go in and do a deep clean, including taking down and washing curtains. We don't go to his house often because he always comes to us, but we were there a few weeks ago and...ugh.

  • 7 years ago

    So glad I could inspire you, Sue.. my entire family loved the cookbook! I only wish I could get more printed because the younger generation now wants them too. The company I used (Tastebook) went out of business but I am sure there are others. I especially liked that it was a hardback book (though there were spirals inside).

    I think the pillows are a great idea too! I recently replaced mine -- and it was very overdue. I was smacking myself for waiting so long.

    My biggest challenge right now is the ex.. he has been hinting about a good sturdy but very portable tripod. I wanted to get him one when we were together but he insisted he only wanted his very heavy one-- and of course it came with an "I know what I need best" tone. Fast forward, these hints come with the "yeah, I know you were right!" message.. which I must admit, I love to hear :)

    He also really needs a new watch-- but I think this is tougher. I can't seem to find one that says, "I love you but you're still the ex". I think the tripod is the better option lol.

    For fun socks.. check out these Blue-Q socks (I won't share my favs here because .. well.. they are "blue"). Here's one of the women's styles .. not great quality but decent enough for a fun gift.

  • 7 years ago

    Ha, I have several of those pairs of socks. One of mine: I'm a delicate f...g flower.

    I'm getting DS #2, who is graduating from college this year, the Adult in Training socks.

  • 7 years ago

    LOL.. too funny because I thought of you as soon as I saw them!

  • 7 years ago

    We really should be shopping together, Funky... PS I might be in your area in April so we could make it happen!

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Oh that would be awesome, Sue! Shopping and cocktails! Let me know where/when you will be as it firms up!

    Here's something I think is a GREAT idea for someone who lives on a lake, creek or such... the smithfly shoal tent is a splurge but it looks fun!

  • 7 years ago

    Oh these are a lot of good ideas & not just for men, either!

    & I just recalled a gift I made for hubby several years ago: a Shutterfly photo book of all the granddaughters from infancy to present. Those things can take a long time to put together, but it was totally worth it because he just loved it & cherishes it.

    & if you sign up for it, Shutterfly provides lots of sales/discounts & freebies every other week in your inbox. I think I got on their list by registering @ Joann Fabrics.

  • 7 years ago

    Photobooks are always popular, as are photo calendars. Reminds me I need to put one together.

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Funkyart, thanks so much for the link to the oversized Scrabble board. I have a relative with macular degeneration who loves to play Scrabble and I think this version could be much easier to see...great sale right now, too!

  • 7 years ago

    We make a Shutterfly photo book of all our vacations, but last Christmas (hmm or maybe anniversary) I gave DH a photo book of all kinds of random family photos that hadn't made it into any other books. It was fun.

    I make a calendar for my dad every year too. That's already done!

  • 7 years ago

    I am so many vacations behind on our photobooks!

  • 7 years ago

    I'm thinking maybe car accessories??? Pro/College team related stuff??? War/Military books/DVD's??? Tickets to some game, concert, event??? Offer to go on some trip???

    (Me....I'm thinking....a trip to Italy. Specifically, the Fiorano Circuit, near Maranello. ;-))


  • 7 years ago

    DS1 loves wine and is in a wine of the month club, and these socks showed up in my email this morning, and of course I just had to order them!

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    I posted this link over on the women’s thread, but will post again here. My brother won’t wear any other sock but these zkano’s now. He swears these are the best.

    I happened to notice DH’s robe was getting thin and ratty, so noticed the nice ones PB had this year and ordered one for him. It looks really nice. A brushed cotton, almost like a thin flannel which is perfect for him.

    Our guys are flashlight nuts. There are a lot of small LED ones with a wrist strap and I find myself using those a lot when I am outside or on a walk at night, even though I use a good headlamp.

  • 7 years ago

    What a great story behind those socks, OutsidePlaying. Thanks.

  • 7 years ago

    Oh! More on socks -- we all bought Bombas socks a few months ago. We all love them, especially DH. I'm going to get some more for him and for my boys.

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    I hate gift cards - I always regift them. They are much less convenient than money, and money is not a good gift either, except for someone who needs it. So if they do not need money, then a gift card is an inconvenience.

    We gave my father a wall-mounted weather predictor one year, and he liked that. When he could see, he liked receiving books.

    Jewelry is a good gift if they wear it - it's not just for women. Unfortunately, no one ever gives me any. Gloves are nice also, but you have to know their size. I don't wear gloves, but if I lived somewhere that got cold, I would like them. I did buy myself a steering wheel cover (faux leopard) for when my steering wheel is cold.

    Try shopping at Pep Boys or a hardware store. You might find some nice auto accessories.

  • 7 years ago

    You know, I kind of agree with you Lars. The fact is, gift buying is hard. Especially for everyone all at once.

    And when I hand out a bunch of gift cards, it feels like a tax.

  • PRO
    7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Our family has decided not to exchange gifts that much any more. I only get gifts from my sister, who is a compulsive gift giver, but other than that, I don't give or get gifts from anyone, except for rare occasions. I didn't even get any birthday cards last year, and while I do send Seasons' Greetings cards every year, I get fewer each year.

    When I do regift gift cards, I let the person that I am giving it to know where I got it. I do not regift anything else, but I have made some exchanges.

    If you are part of a large group that expects exchanges of presents, then a gift card could be okay as a last resort, but to me it says, "I don't know you well enough or care about you enough to buy a real present, but I feel obligated to give you something." My mother used to give me a check every year for Christmas, and I was fine with that.

    My sister find buying gifts difficult also - and she's not that good at it. When I was in Texas around Christmas time, I would help her with her shopping. I think it is difficult for a lot of people, and it is easier for some people than others. I also think it causes some unnecessary stress, and I can sympathize with those who find it difficult.

  • 7 years ago

    I usually only give gift cards to people like my kids' music teachers or coaches. My kids get a $50 Amex gift card in their stockings every year, though. Oh, and I do get my dad gift cards for groceries and gas sometimes.

    DH and I decided on a fairly specific limit/theme for each other's gifts this year. We often establish some kind of guideline -- like stockings only, or 3-gift maximum, or we'll set aside a day after Xmas to just shop for what we want. (Tried that last year but ended up buying each other gifts anyway.) This year, this is our list. 5 items:

    - something practical

    - something share-able

    - something indulgent

    - something involving exercise

    - an "experience" gift

    So far, I know the practical one (socks and t-shirts!) and thinking maybe a Brooks Bros scarf and/or hat for the indulgent gift. The exercise one could be tricky -- we are trying to go on more walks/hikes together (he doesn't get enough exercise) but he's not a gym person and wouldn't go to a class. Already bought him exercise-type pants for his bday. Might have to peruse the REI web site for ideas.

  • 7 years ago

    I think men are hard to buy for precisely because of the "obvious" selections. How many tire pressure gauges or [insert your team] jerseys can a man use?

    Sue, I love the list.. it will be fun to see how each of you interpret them!

    Would your DH bike?

  • 7 years ago

    Well, we all have bikes at our summer cottage so he rides there, but very occasionally. I was thinking maybe a pass for x-country skiing -- he hasn't been in years but I think he'd go, and I haven't been in a couple years but would like to. I need to look into it.

  • 7 years ago

    I've given Cool Aprons a few times. They will put anything you want on them. They are a pretty good quality, too. One year we gave my mom a bunch of them with different sayings o hers on them. One apron listed everything she always made for Thanksgiving dinner. I gave them as office gifts once, too.Cool Aprons

  • PRO
    7 years ago

    @ oakley, thank you, the wine socks are gift #1 purchased.

  • 7 years ago


    -clothes (actually one of the best way to get my husband new clothes since they have this custom that a new thing should be worn on New Years' Eve). My brother will wear clothes I pick too. Obviously-unless small kids-give clothes only to family.

    young kids-books, puzzles, art kits, things to build-depending on interest.

    -my teen started appreciating clothes too btw. so it became easy

    -if into sports-clothes etc related to the favorite team. My son has two. "Zenitz St'Petersburg" and "Miami Heat". Never been to neither city lol

    -books..can be a hit or miss. A hit, were art albums (talking about my brother now) albums. My son..loved some books a lot. Some, didn't.

    -CD's. If you know a person's taste.

    -good folding knife never offended anyone..

    -obvious socks, gloves, ties. You need to know a person though.

    -for very close guys(husband, son ...)-a wallet. a watch.

    -and of course everything edible/drinkable..or that can be made into a lemon tree:)

  • 7 years ago

    My siblings and I exchange smaller gifts.. my brother generally makes one stop for all sibling gifts-- it's generally the state store, starbucks or dunkin LOL. This year, I think I am going to go with the Yeti tumblers for the BILs..

    Other gift ideas for men in the $20-$100 range:

    • irish driving cap
    • tabasco items - tees, polos, ties, etc They have some very fun designs (or used to)
    • suede grill mitt
    • digital/blue tooth meat thermometer
    • scarf
    • Pistachio Bowl (all of mine have come from Hilborn Pottery but there are many designs from lots of companies)

    Over $100

    • Panini Press - great for a young, single man - I got one for my nephew when he was a bachelor because, darn it, you can toast just about anything between two slices of good bread and have a great meal.

    • Boos cutting/carving board

    • Pizza Oven - my sister bought the breville ($150) at WS and I thought the pizza was great. The whole family loves it. (They also make them to go on the grill).

    • If they cook, good olive oil, flavored vinegars, funky fun spice blends

    • Craft cocktail fixins

    • Artisanal booze.. small batch gins and bourbons are becoming very popular (especially with the younger set)

  • 7 years ago

    DH's favorite gift ever is the stabilizing binoculars. We use them all the time for the last 25 years so they were well worth the price.

    He's always happy to get new gardening shoes, though they are hard to find in December. Gardening gloves, too.

    Super-lightweight pullover windbreaker, like a golf jacket.

    A floor lamp/magnifier. He collects a kind of paper ephemera so my dad got him this to examine his finds. It's also come in handy for examining bugs, pulling splinters, repairing small toys and appliances, reading really small print.

  • 7 years ago

    DH likes Art of Shaving shaving soap and brushes.

  • 7 years ago

    I really like the Thermapens and the men in my life seem to use them too. Great for grilling. thermapen

  • 7 years ago
    last modified: 7 years ago

    Don't know if any of you saw my food gift thread but my dad is pretty much impossible to buy for. He has most of anything he needs. I was going to get a personal gps but that started getting complicated.

    This is a bit of fun! If you get the wooden crate wrapped in duck tape they will long remember the effort of getting in. There are many other choices though.


  • 7 years ago

    Thanks for the ideas! Men can be so hard to buy for sometimes. I have found that with older gift recipients they don't want more "stuff." My mother-in-law prefers it when I send her things she can use or eat. I sent a gift basket of goodies for her birthday (which made me feel like I was "cheating" when I bought it) but she is STILL talking about it two months later.

  • 7 years ago

    I have a couple of items in my cart at Man Crates, but, um, they're a little pricy? Are they worth it?