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My friend has breast cancer and

She's using "treatments" that she found on YouTube. This isn't a super close friend, in fact we only reconnected a few years ago, and talk sporadically. She lives in another state. She called me yesterday to tell me that she had found a lump, and it was diagnosed as cancer, but despite her doctor's recommendations she was trying "natural cures."

As she was excitedly telling me about her vegan diet, and trips to Mexico for vitamin C treatments, I was thinking "what is she doing?" Breast cancer is very treatable and many women have very good outcomes. Normally, I would just let her go on, and do the phone equivalent of nodding and smiling, but I felt that this was too serious for me to not say something. I told her flat out that I can't support her in not listening to medical professionals. She said that she understood, because she had felt the same way in the past about people who sought alternative treatments. And she also told me that all of her family and friends were opposed to this course of action.

What would you have said? I just don't understand her thinking on this. I'm all for doing everything possible to increase her chance of beating this, including diet, etc., but along with proper medical treatment.

I'm feeling very sad about this.

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