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First winter with a Clivia... Need advice!

Im gona try to make this a short story! A few months ago someone gifted me a clivia he just divided so it had no roots. To sum up the summer....

Yellowing leaves and leaf tips emerged and the leaves were folding in half lengthwise and eventually flopping forward. Both problems seem to have resolved after repotting with special soil and (just recently) scraping off a layer of soil thinking that might be the cause of the folding (I couldn't find a thing online about the folding, I'm still not sure if this is a coincidence or the cause). Also, it was given to me with a seed pod on a stem. I just cut it off when I removed the soil bc it never seemed to dry up like I expected.

1. Bc of the yellow and floppy leaves I've had to cut off quite a few. What it's left with is uneven. Should I make it even now?

2. Think she will flower? (I read online it has to be a minimum age and have a minimum AMT of leaves-which might be the amt since birth or at the moment, idk) I ask bc...

3. I just brought the plants in for winter. Should I give it a rest period? Does that not apply if it is not going to flower?

4. If a resting period is necessary do I water her at all? I know a cool room but how dark?

5. Is it potted too shallow now?

I'm more interested in her health than in getting a pretty bloom. Here's a Couple pics. Thanks in advance!!!

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