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Apple Tree Trunk Damage

Hello all,

I'm new to fruit trees and looking for a little advise. I have a "Dwarf" Golden Delicious tree that has been in the ground about 1 year as of June. I got it from Stark Bros. The Tree is beautiful and looks healthy, has grown a lot, and i've pruned in nicely. It's well on its way to being a central leader tree and i've trained the branches to be horizontal. Just yesterday i noticed what looked to be kind of a hollow spot between the bark and the wood about 2-3" above the graft line. Following advice online i gently cut away the dead bark and i can now see several layers into the trunk and what i believe to be the heartwood. I did have plastic protector (White) on it last winter but removed it in the spring. As the pics show, it looks like it is healing but i'm wondering if this is going to cause problems in the future? I'd say its about 40% of the trunks diameter. Will new bark actually grow over the spot and look like the rest of the trunk eventually? I'm hoping it heals OK!. I have since put two more apple trees in the ground and I want this one to be a pollinator


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