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Puya and cactus for ID

I have one puya that is not alpestris nor mirabilis growing from a mixed seed package that I can't identify. It is still a young plant so more difficult to identify but has distinctive traits like reddish spines and white marks (mainly dots) on the leaves. May be I just need to wait but just in case someone recognizes it :)

Second case is a rescue from a nursery. Lost in the back under a shelf, on its side with half the soil gone and no label. Got a huge discount so took it home. Looking like its recovering after a couple months, even looks like it's putting a runner (5 o'clock). The consensus at the nursery was that it could be a puya. However leaves are thicker and the crown very low so could be something else!

Pic 3 is also a rescue but from someone's yard cleaning effort! It's a tiny one with now a tiny flower :)

Pic 4 is a recent purchase with no tag. It seems to confuse Google image search! Could not get any meaningful output.

Thanks for any input on one, some or all of those.

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